Can you tell me

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm extremely fit and muscular, but i would love to lose some weight- even though im constantly being reminded that it isnt even a problem, since i work out often, i play soccer, eat healthy. Is there any way to do something extra to pull off pounds? If there isn't a for sure answer that is alright. cause i have a feeling that there isnt. and for weridos out there- anorexia isn't the key. duh (that leads to death)
well u don't say how old you are. as you get older your metabolism slows down.and it gets harder to loose wieght. If your younger than eighteen you can try cutting down on sweets, soda, bread, any "white" foods. sugar,flour,rice,some pasta's. drink alot of water and eat six small meals a-day. o and exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. for not more than 45mins.
You could simply eat smaller portions of the healthy food you already eat, but please talk to a doctor or nutritionist to make sure you meet your body's caloric requirements.
Alex, I love ya just the way you are !
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , they give you a free trial of Hoodia, a free diet guide, and a free recipe booklet. You only pay $7.99 shipping and handling. Best of luck!

Come here, exeercise question?

how many miles do I have to run to lose a pound?
i luv track. and i usually walk a lap and begin to run 4 of them to make a mile. and then i walk 2 laps. and of course after that, stretch. u have to stretch before running also. but i'm a begginner and thats how i am right now.
hope this helped
Not many, but the weight you lose will be from the water you lose through sweat. To take it off for good you need to balance diet and exercise.
write exercise right first
Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Colon Cleansing?

Does anyone know of any colon cleansers I could use or any teas and websites? THX!
Try the Master Cleanse. Or look in your local directory for a hydroptherapist so you can get a colonic.
well if you eat a lot of lettuce and broccoli that helps clean out your colon and helps prevent colon cancer..
Here is a web-site that features a article on cleansing and news footage of a cleanse that was featured on ABC news and Fox news.

Cold All the Time After Weight Loss?

I have recently lost twenty pounds and I have gradually noticed that I am freezing all time. Is this just a coinicidence or is it related? If it is related, has anyone else delt with this and will it go away?
Alicia I lost 37 pounds and noticed the exact same phenomenon! I got the blood tests and had a physical and everything was fine so I have no real explanation for it. It's very annoying though, isn't it?!
Being cold all the time could be a sign of 2 things (more probably, but 2 major things)
1- low thyroid functioning. This is checked with a blood test
2- low iron/anemia. If you're a woman between the ages of around 19-55, this is a very common problem. Blood tests are needed to confirm. Highly possible if you ate packaged "diet foods" like Lean Cuisine or ate mostly salad and very little meat or protein Also heavy periods and not taking any vitamin supplements can eventually lead to low iron.Neither of these problems will go away on their own. Being cold all the time could be a sign of other problems, but these 2 would be the most common, and easiest to check with simple blood tests. You wouldn't want to self-diagnose or self-treat though-- see a doctor and request these 2 tests. many is too many?

I am not a regular coffee drinker, but lately my jobs been too boring and i have started falling asleep, so i am thinking of having coffee! so could you tell me, is drinking coffee bad for you? (cuz i have heard so), if yes, how bad is it? and how many cups can you have a day,5 times a week and its still ok?thanks!
*One or two cups a day should be fine. But after a while, you may find that two cups won't quite do it for you, so be careful. Too much caffeine is bad for you as it accelerates your heartbeat and can cause other problems over time. Plus, it stains your teeth yellow. And if you add a lot of sugar, that isn't too good for you either.*Alternatively, if you're having trouble staying awake due to boredom, you might try getting up every 45 minutes or hour and walk to the water fountain or bathroom. This will increase your circulation and oxygen to your brain, making you feel more alert.*You may also try varying your routine at work. You don't mention what exactly you do, but you may find that changing things up a bit is mentally stimulating, which would help you fight the boredom and stay awake.*If you work in an area by yourself (where you won't disturb anyone around you), you might try to hum to yourself or whistle to keep you alert.*If you can, set up a small ion fan on your desk. The increased oxygen should help perk you up, too.HTH.
5 or 6 a day is fine
YES COFFEE IS BAD ...4 cups of coffee is equal to one cigarette
forget the coffe have a couple of caffeine tablets a day and that will put you right
stylish i do not know where you got that but you are wrong.
My dad drinks 6-7 cups a day and he has been drinking them for the last 10 years.Bad side effects of drinking too much coffee for a long time are:1. Teeth become yellow
2. Coffee becomes less effective as your body get used to the caffiene
3. Bad breath
5 or 6 a day is far too many and coffee has nothing to do with cigarettes. Caffeine tablets are no good either because your tolerance goes up very quickly and before you know it, you'll be taking 7 or 8 tabs. I think 2 coffees a day is enough. But you shouldnt rely on coffee to keep you awake. I used to do night shift and would take a couple of caffeine pills to start with to stay awake, but after a couple of days, I needed more and more for them to work. Best off just getting used to not having caffeine. Drink water or do exercises instead.

Clen? should i go on it?

my buddy told me to go on clen and i would see a huge difference...i currently weight 205, and i am 6'2 at the age of 17 turning 18, i was wondering if you guys can tell me if i should go on this or no? i would like to hear your stories if you are on it or have been on it.
Clen? Now in the world of dieting drugs there are several over the counter diet pills called clen... or there is the real deal clenbuterol. If its fake diet pills called clen then all you are doing is getting a lot of caffeine and some other stimulant/appetite surpresing ingredients. However if its real clenbuterol, which you can only buy as a research drug not meant for human consumption or prescribed as a bronchildialator you are getting a CNS (central nervous system) stimulant. It works by increasing the manufacture and secretion of catabolic hormones known as cathecholamines (like dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline)) which are secreted from the adrenal region. In short it raises your blood pressure and increases your body temp, all while inhibiting the effects of insulin. This is not something you should take. It has a bad effect on the smooth cells in your body which happen to make up your heart. stay away. Besides diet is 90% of the battle. good luck hope this helped

Cleansing product isagenix?

i'm thinking about using isagenix...has anyone used this product? should i do the 9 day or 30 day program? what should i expect? what does it taste like? is it convenient?? is it safe to use with other diet pills? i would just like some general info on this product, if anyone has used it. thanks in advance.
Hi there,
I have been using Isagenix for about a year and a half.
The 30 day is a gentler cleanse than the 9 day. People lose weight on both programs.
It is very simple to do, but not always easy. The cleanse days consist of a cleansing juice and some wafer snacks. The cleanse drink takes some getting used to, but the shakes are delicious made in a blender with ice.
There would be no need to be on any diet pills. Isagenix is not really a diet, but a cleanse to rid the body of toxins. The weight loss is a bonus!
There is a lot of information on the website.
Good Luck!
It really depends on how much weight you want to lose. With the 9-day cleanse the average person loses between 7-15lbs you cleanse the first two days and the last two days. The 9-day cleanse requires a lot of discipline but is manageable. Isagenix is all safe and natural and it tastes okay. I recommend the 30-day cleanse if you have not done a cleanse before. You cleanse once a week and you lose weight gradually.Whatever cleanse you do you will love it. Also you have an option to buy at wholesale then retail to save you some money I hope all this helps good luck!
e-mail if you have additional questions.
I've used it and I love it. Nutritional cleansing is a good thing. You'll feel better, be healthier, and as a bounus look a little better. Remember results will vary. You are essentially cleansing the body and regulating the amount of clories you take in. I think it tastes pretty good. The wafer snacks for the cleanse days are a little chalky, but you could substitue maybe 3 or 4 raw almonds for each snack. You can even add a few berries to the shakes to make them even better.Very convienent. I take a thermouse (sp?) with ice and the cleanse drink on my cleanse drink and on the shake days I do breakfast and dinner so I can take a lunch to work.You really don't need any other diet pills (plus diet pills are not good for you). You are nutritionaly cleansing your body, not dieting. They do give you an accelerator pill with all natural herbs that is good to take.Expect a little bit of a headache in the beginning, just drink as much water as possible to make it go away.I highly recommend
I use the system and am happy to personally guide you in the system and help you get started and have success.Please email me directly at
vc .net