Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm extremely fit and muscular, but i would love to lose some weight- even though im constantly being reminded that it isnt even a problem, since i work out often, i play soccer, eat healthy. Is there any way to do something extra to pull off pounds? If there isn't a for sure answer that is alright. cause i have a feeling that there isnt. and for weridos out there- anorexia isn't the key. duh (that leads to death)
well u don't say how old you are. as you get older your metabolism slows down.and it gets harder to loose wieght. If your younger than eighteen you can try cutting down on sweets, soda, bread, any "white" foods. sugar,flour,rice,some pasta's. drink alot of water and eat six small meals a-day. o and exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. for not more than 45mins.
You could simply eat smaller portions of the healthy food you already eat, but please talk to a doctor or nutritionist to make sure you meet your body's caloric requirements.
Alex, I love ya just the way you are !
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at
http://www.justlonline.info , they give you a free trial of Hoodia, a free diet guide, and a free recipe booklet. You only pay $7.99 shipping and handling. Best of luck!

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