Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cleansing product isagenix?

i'm thinking about using isagenix...has anyone used this product? should i do the 9 day or 30 day program? what should i expect? what does it taste like? is it convenient?? is it safe to use with other diet pills? i would just like some general info on this product, if anyone has used it. thanks in advance.
Hi there,
I have been using Isagenix for about a year and a half.
The 30 day is a gentler cleanse than the 9 day. People lose weight on both programs.
It is very simple to do, but not always easy. The cleanse days consist of a cleansing juice and some wafer snacks. The cleanse drink takes some getting used to, but the shakes are delicious made in a blender with ice.
There would be no need to be on any diet pills. Isagenix is not really a diet, but a cleanse to rid the body of toxins. The weight loss is a bonus!
There is a lot of information on the website.
Good Luck!
It really depends on how much weight you want to lose. With the 9-day cleanse the average person loses between 7-15lbs you cleanse the first two days and the last two days. The 9-day cleanse requires a lot of discipline but is manageable. Isagenix is all safe and natural and it tastes okay. I recommend the 30-day cleanse if you have not done a cleanse before. You cleanse once a week and you lose weight gradually.Whatever cleanse you do you will love it. Also you have an option to buy at wholesale then retail to save you some money I hope all this helps good luck!
e-mail if you have additional questions.
I've used it and I love it. Nutritional cleansing is a good thing. You'll feel better, be healthier, and as a bounus look a little better. Remember results will vary. You are essentially cleansing the body and regulating the amount of clories you take in. I think it tastes pretty good. The wafer snacks for the cleanse days are a little chalky, but you could substitue maybe 3 or 4 raw almonds for each snack. You can even add a few berries to the shakes to make them even better.Very convienent. I take a thermouse (sp?) with ice and the cleanse drink on my cleanse drink and on the shake days I do breakfast and dinner so I can take a lunch to work.You really don't need any other diet pills (plus diet pills are not good for you). You are nutritionaly cleansing your body, not dieting. They do give you an accelerator pill with all natural herbs that is good to take.Expect a little bit of a headache in the beginning, just drink as much water as possible to make it go away.I highly recommend it.www.kathrynclair.isagenix.com
I use the system and am happy to personally guide you in the system and help you get started and have success.Please email me directly at bignlild@msn.com

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