Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cigarette help?

i'm 16 and im addicted to smoking. i currently ran out tonight and i'm going crazy. is there anything i can do to make the cravings less intense... im about to do something drastic. im anxious like you would not believe.
and, if possible, any ways to buy cigarettes underage at stores?
You aren't going to like this answer but PLEASE read it all and become enlightened.. I smoked cigarettes for 38 years... I am 56 and right now I am going through a TERMINAL ILLNESS brought about because of my smoking. it DID make me quit smoking the second I found out, but unfortunately it was too late. but at 16, it is NOT too late for you. Quit NOW at ANY AND ALL COSTS because your life will be significantly shortened BECAUSE of smoking if you do not quit RIGHT NOW and stay off them FOREVER!!! Life goes by very quickly---one day, you are 16 with your entire life ahead of you and in what seems like the ver next breath, you are a 56 year old woman... AND, the older you get, the faster time seems to go by... AND, when a doctor tells you that you have less then 5 years to LIVE----well I can't even explain how quickly time is flying by right now.If you think I'm OLD and it's OK to be dying, I am NOT and IT is not... I was stupid. EVERYONE who smokes is stupid for not quitting. especially since it CAN allow you to live much longer if you stop smoking. Look, I know what it is to be addicted to smoking and I KNOW what it is to be young and say ---IT WON'T HAPPEN TO ME----well, it DID... and it WILL happen to you.... it's not a fun way to die either---my lungs hurt ALL the time, my heart does not pump oxygen and blood well any more and I take a handful of medications every day just to survive a little longer.is that REALLY the way you want your life to be or to END? Quitting is difficult, but staying a smoker is a DEATH SENTENCE... To help with the cravings, I would peel, pull apart and eat ORANGE Pieces... they gave me something to do with my hands AND satisfied that craving for something to "suck" on in my mouth---oranges are non-fattening and good for you so in a way, I was FINALLY doing something GOOD for me---only I waited to long. Please stop getting someone to buy you cigarettes now while you are young enough that the habit isn't as strong as it will be if you continue. Please quit for your HEALTH and your LIFE!!! Oh and the cravings will slow down as the days go by...I've been off cigarettes now for 6 months and don't even miss them any more---had I known it wouldn't be all that bad to quit, I would have and SHOULD have done it 30 years ago!!!
Do you plan on being hooked to an oxygen tank by the time your 40? You need to quit smoking, its bad for your health, now would be the perfect time to start.
Drink water, suck on mints, get some rest, read a book. Do something different.
stop smoking
just go three days without it will get much easier
just sit back and look at how you are acting. listen to how you sound... absolutely ridiculous! you are 16 years old. stop acting like a child. your 16 and addicted to cigarettes? listen to how that sounds. just stop smoking, your really hurting yourself. take this from someone that smoked from when she was 14-18. when i was 17 i started coughing up blood some mornings. its just not worth it. im now 20, and im finally starting to feel clean on the inside. just quit, its totally not worth it!
Try Chewing Gum...It's help keeping your mind out from smoking for a while because you mouth is busy chewing and make sure it's really mintie.
go strap yourself to a bed something... Don't smoke.. your 16.. do you know what your putting into your body? how smoking is so addictive?.. is how your giving Your life and money to the smoking industry? thats crazy.. do anything but smoke.. or your not going to have a long life..
Trust me, you don't want to keep this Very-Bad addiction up. I started at a very early age, and now I'm 44.
I still smoke, not even 1 pack a week {which is too much}.
Plain %26 simple truth:
I started when I was 13 {31 yrs ago}
Started having very bad breathing problems
I quit
Breathing was okay
I started back up again
Quit again...Ohhhhh,I could go on and on, of the bunches of times to the hospital for not being able to breath...
I cut down to 1 pack a day a few years ago. My lungs are better, but what hit me the most was when my doctor told me, "The next time you light up that ciggarrete, look over at the end of the match, then look down, there's your coffin in the ground waiting for you".
Some things that can help.

Vitamin C helps I'm not sure how but it helps the body cope with not having nicotine.
Cinnamon. The hot kind like what's in gum and Cinnamon bears. You can also exercise. The endorphins that your body makes are similar as to what nicotine does so it can make your cravings less intense. However, there is no magic bullet. I can tell you it's better to quit when your younger.

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