Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Coffee..how many is too many?

I am not a regular coffee drinker, but lately my jobs been too boring and i have started falling asleep, so i am thinking of having coffee! so could you tell me, is drinking coffee bad for you? (cuz i have heard so), if yes, how bad is it? and how many cups can you have a day,5 times a week and its still ok?thanks!
*One or two cups a day should be fine. But after a while, you may find that two cups won't quite do it for you, so be careful. Too much caffeine is bad for you as it accelerates your heartbeat and can cause other problems over time. Plus, it stains your teeth yellow. And if you add a lot of sugar, that isn't too good for you either.*Alternatively, if you're having trouble staying awake due to boredom, you might try getting up every 45 minutes or hour and walk to the water fountain or bathroom. This will increase your circulation and oxygen to your brain, making you feel more alert.*You may also try varying your routine at work. You don't mention what exactly you do, but you may find that changing things up a bit is mentally stimulating, which would help you fight the boredom and stay awake.*If you work in an area by yourself (where you won't disturb anyone around you), you might try to hum to yourself or whistle to keep you alert.*If you can, set up a small ion fan on your desk. The increased oxygen should help perk you up, too.HTH.
5 or 6 a day is fine
YES COFFEE IS BAD ...4 cups of coffee is equal to one cigarette
forget the coffe have a couple of caffeine tablets a day and that will put you right
stylish i do not know where you got that but you are wrong.
My dad drinks 6-7 cups a day and he has been drinking them for the last 10 years.Bad side effects of drinking too much coffee for a long time are:1. Teeth become yellow
2. Coffee becomes less effective as your body get used to the caffiene
3. Bad breath
5 or 6 a day is far too many and coffee has nothing to do with cigarettes. Caffeine tablets are no good either because your tolerance goes up very quickly and before you know it, you'll be taking 7 or 8 tabs. I think 2 coffees a day is enough. But you shouldnt rely on coffee to keep you awake. I used to do night shift and would take a couple of caffeine pills to start with to stay awake, but after a couple of days, I needed more and more for them to work. Best off just getting used to not having caffeine. Drink water or do exercises instead.

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