Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm extremely fit and muscular, but i would love to lose some weight- even though im constantly being reminded that it isnt even a problem, since i work out often, i play soccer, eat healthy. Is there any way to do something extra to pull off pounds? If there isn't a for sure answer that is alright. cause i have a feeling that there isnt. and for weridos out there- anorexia isn't the key. duh (that leads to death)
well u don't say how old you are. as you get older your metabolism slows down.and it gets harder to loose wieght. If your younger than eighteen you can try cutting down on sweets, soda, bread, any "white" foods. sugar,flour,rice,some pasta's. drink alot of water and eat six small meals a-day. o and exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. for not more than 45mins.
You could simply eat smaller portions of the healthy food you already eat, but please talk to a doctor or nutritionist to make sure you meet your body's caloric requirements.
Alex, I love ya just the way you are !
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at
http://www.justlonline.info , they give you a free trial of Hoodia, a free diet guide, and a free recipe booklet. You only pay $7.99 shipping and handling. Best of luck!

Come here, exeercise question?

how many miles do I have to run to lose a pound?
i luv track. and i usually walk a lap and begin to run 4 of them to make a mile. and then i walk 2 laps. and of course after that, stretch. u have to stretch before running also. but i'm a begginner and thats how i am right now.
hope this helped
Not many, but the weight you lose will be from the water you lose through sweat. To take it off for good you need to balance diet and exercise.
write exercise right first
Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at
http://www.goodlwizard.info , they give you a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Colon Cleansing?

Does anyone know of any colon cleansers I could use or any teas and websites? THX!
Try the Master Cleanse. Or look in your local directory for a hydroptherapist so you can get a colonic.
well if you eat a lot of lettuce and broccoli that helps clean out your colon and helps prevent colon cancer..
Here is a web-site that features a article on cleansing and news footage of a cleanse that was featured on ABC news and Fox news.

Cold All the Time After Weight Loss?

I have recently lost twenty pounds and I have gradually noticed that I am freezing all time. Is this just a coinicidence or is it related? If it is related, has anyone else delt with this and will it go away?
Alicia I lost 37 pounds and noticed the exact same phenomenon! I got the blood tests and had a physical and everything was fine so I have no real explanation for it. It's very annoying though, isn't it?!
Being cold all the time could be a sign of 2 things (more probably, but 2 major things)
1- low thyroid functioning. This is checked with a blood test
2- low iron/anemia. If you're a woman between the ages of around 19-55, this is a very common problem. Blood tests are needed to confirm. Highly possible if you ate packaged "diet foods" like Lean Cuisine or ate mostly salad and very little meat or protein Also heavy periods and not taking any vitamin supplements can eventually lead to low iron.Neither of these problems will go away on their own. Being cold all the time could be a sign of other problems, but these 2 would be the most common, and easiest to check with simple blood tests. You wouldn't want to self-diagnose or self-treat though-- see a doctor and request these 2 tests.

Coffee..how many is too many?

I am not a regular coffee drinker, but lately my jobs been too boring and i have started falling asleep, so i am thinking of having coffee! so could you tell me, is drinking coffee bad for you? (cuz i have heard so), if yes, how bad is it? and how many cups can you have a day,5 times a week and its still ok?thanks!
*One or two cups a day should be fine. But after a while, you may find that two cups won't quite do it for you, so be careful. Too much caffeine is bad for you as it accelerates your heartbeat and can cause other problems over time. Plus, it stains your teeth yellow. And if you add a lot of sugar, that isn't too good for you either.*Alternatively, if you're having trouble staying awake due to boredom, you might try getting up every 45 minutes or hour and walk to the water fountain or bathroom. This will increase your circulation and oxygen to your brain, making you feel more alert.*You may also try varying your routine at work. You don't mention what exactly you do, but you may find that changing things up a bit is mentally stimulating, which would help you fight the boredom and stay awake.*If you work in an area by yourself (where you won't disturb anyone around you), you might try to hum to yourself or whistle to keep you alert.*If you can, set up a small ion fan on your desk. The increased oxygen should help perk you up, too.HTH.
5 or 6 a day is fine
YES COFFEE IS BAD ...4 cups of coffee is equal to one cigarette
forget the coffe have a couple of caffeine tablets a day and that will put you right
stylish i do not know where you got that but you are wrong.
My dad drinks 6-7 cups a day and he has been drinking them for the last 10 years.Bad side effects of drinking too much coffee for a long time are:1. Teeth become yellow
2. Coffee becomes less effective as your body get used to the caffiene
3. Bad breath
5 or 6 a day is far too many and coffee has nothing to do with cigarettes. Caffeine tablets are no good either because your tolerance goes up very quickly and before you know it, you'll be taking 7 or 8 tabs. I think 2 coffees a day is enough. But you shouldnt rely on coffee to keep you awake. I used to do night shift and would take a couple of caffeine pills to start with to stay awake, but after a couple of days, I needed more and more for them to work. Best off just getting used to not having caffeine. Drink water or do exercises instead.

Clen? should i go on it?

my buddy told me to go on clen and i would see a huge difference...i currently weight 205, and i am 6'2 at the age of 17 turning 18, i was wondering if you guys can tell me if i should go on this or no? i would like to hear your stories if you are on it or have been on it.
Clen? Now in the world of dieting drugs there are several over the counter diet pills called clen... or there is the real deal clenbuterol. If its fake diet pills called clen then all you are doing is getting a lot of caffeine and some other stimulant/appetite surpresing ingredients. However if its real clenbuterol, which you can only buy as a research drug not meant for human consumption or prescribed as a bronchildialator you are getting a CNS (central nervous system) stimulant. It works by increasing the manufacture and secretion of catabolic hormones known as cathecholamines (like dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline)) which are secreted from the adrenal region. In short it raises your blood pressure and increases your body temp, all while inhibiting the effects of insulin. This is not something you should take. It has a bad effect on the smooth cells in your body which happen to make up your heart. stay away. Besides diet is 90% of the battle. good luck hope this helped

Cleansing product isagenix?

i'm thinking about using isagenix...has anyone used this product? should i do the 9 day or 30 day program? what should i expect? what does it taste like? is it convenient?? is it safe to use with other diet pills? i would just like some general info on this product, if anyone has used it. thanks in advance.
Hi there,
I have been using Isagenix for about a year and a half.
The 30 day is a gentler cleanse than the 9 day. People lose weight on both programs.
It is very simple to do, but not always easy. The cleanse days consist of a cleansing juice and some wafer snacks. The cleanse drink takes some getting used to, but the shakes are delicious made in a blender with ice.
There would be no need to be on any diet pills. Isagenix is not really a diet, but a cleanse to rid the body of toxins. The weight loss is a bonus!
There is a lot of information on the website.
Good Luck!
It really depends on how much weight you want to lose. With the 9-day cleanse the average person loses between 7-15lbs you cleanse the first two days and the last two days. The 9-day cleanse requires a lot of discipline but is manageable. Isagenix is all safe and natural and it tastes okay. I recommend the 30-day cleanse if you have not done a cleanse before. You cleanse once a week and you lose weight gradually.Whatever cleanse you do you will love it. Also you have an option to buy at wholesale then retail to save you some money I hope all this helps good luck!
e-mail if you have additional questions.
I've used it and I love it. Nutritional cleansing is a good thing. You'll feel better, be healthier, and as a bounus look a little better. Remember results will vary. You are essentially cleansing the body and regulating the amount of clories you take in. I think it tastes pretty good. The wafer snacks for the cleanse days are a little chalky, but you could substitue maybe 3 or 4 raw almonds for each snack. You can even add a few berries to the shakes to make them even better.Very convienent. I take a thermouse (sp?) with ice and the cleanse drink on my cleanse drink and on the shake days I do breakfast and dinner so I can take a lunch to work.You really don't need any other diet pills (plus diet pills are not good for you). You are nutritionaly cleansing your body, not dieting. They do give you an accelerator pill with all natural herbs that is good to take.Expect a little bit of a headache in the beginning, just drink as much water as possible to make it go away.I highly recommend it.www.kathrynclair.isagenix.com
I use the system and am happy to personally guide you in the system and help you get started and have success.Please email me directly at bignlild@msn.com

Cleansing foods?

My diet has been quite poor lately. I REALLY need to get back on the wagon! What foods can help me clean out my system?
Mine has too :( 17 months til my wedding. Eeeeek.The cabbage soup is a great food. Actually any veggi soup is good. I've never put the salmon in the cabbage food and I'm still not going to. That sounds foul. You should make a homemade veggie soup full of high fiber veggies. You can buy low sodium beef broth and add 3 cans of V8 to the broth. That makes it taste really good. Also, jockies( when they're not doing the whole bulimia thing) and wrestlers eat lots of grapefruit to cut weight.Pretty much any of your high fiber veggies will clean out your system. Corn flakes will also clean you out. Believe it or not, the Kellogg family created corn flakes to detoxify the body (seriously, rent the movie The Road To Wellville about the Kellogg family--weird). Finally, just drink tons of water, and thankfully coffee is a diuretic. Green tea is also a diuretic.
Green Tea is great for cleansing. Also try Pomegranates, and foods with allot of fiber such as broccoli, and other vegetables.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins. Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The toxins get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do! http://thebestcleansingdiet.com...
I know a drink that can help you, but it goes by the way of lemonade diet. Since you're asking about food, you'll probably receive suggestion about trying cabbage soup diet as cleansing foods.I discourage the usage of cabbage soup for cleansing.
You need to consume mostly cabbage soup during the week, your body severely will lack nutrition.Try my mods about cabbage soup cleansing method.Ingredients: * 1 Bombay onion or garlic
* 6 green onion leaves
* 1 big cauliflower
* 6 fresh tomatoes
* 2 pieces of paprika
* Celery
* 1 fillet of salmon (without skin)
* Salt and pepper
* Oregano powder
* Water (adjust the amount to your preferences)Instructions:First sprinkle the salmon fillet with salt and pepper, add a sprinkle of oregano. Leave it for a few hours.Then chop the salmon fillet to a small dice size.Chop the green onion leaves, garlic, cauliflower, and paprika and tomatoes.Then put all of the ingredients into the water and boil it. Leave all the ingredients in the boiling water for 10 minutes.Then lower the fire and keep boiling it until all the ingredients are soft.
This soup will be your main course throughout the week so it鈥檚 better if you stock more ingredients just in case your supply runs out.The soup should also be your choice if you feel hungry.You should also drink pure water at least 10 glass a day. Don鈥檛 drink it all at once but spread it throughout the day.Water is essential toward your body digestion and it helps clean your blood from bad particles.After three days you should feel stronger and healthier than before while losing weight at the same time.Should your digestion system is affected then consume a small portion of oatmeal to help your digestion.Day 1:Eat the soup accompanied with watermelon and melon for your main food all day long. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before you go to bed.Day 2:Stop eating fruit at all! Consume your soup and you are allowed to eat green salad. Make sure the salad contain no dressings, peas and corns.For dinner you can consume roasted potato or baked potato with butter (don鈥檛 ever think to fry it)Day 3:
Consume the soup, salad and fruit but no potato today.
Day 4:
Eat the soup accompanied with a glass of skimmed milk. Consume 8 pieces of banana to provide your body enough energy. Your body now need carbohydrate and protein also calcium to lessen body need for sugar.
Day 5
Eat your soup again. Today you should consume salad and salmon fish. Make sure the salmon fish don鈥檛 exceed 10 ounces.Day 6
You should consume maximum 10 ounces of meat along with your soup. You need the protein here.
Last DayConsume 4 table spoons of rice with vegetables. Drink fresh watermelon or melon juice without sugar and eat your soup also today.

Cleansing EMERGENCY?

What do they do in cleansing? can it be done at HOME? what products are required? is it like cleansing the face?[moisturising etc.}
depends what you mean by cleansing. since you said moisturising i assume you meant like cleanse the face. soo im just guessing here but you were wondering about the types of cleansers used. soo if you just go to the supermarket or chemist you can usually get a cleanser but get one that suits your skin type. eg dry,oily etc. ask the shop assistant and they will help you. and it works better if you exfoliate every 2/3 days and then cleanse,tone and moisturise.
wgat type of "cleansing" are you referring to? cleansing of the body, like a liver, bowel, etc. cleanse?you can take products, generally from health food stores/vit shops to do these types of cleanses. Note: be sure to expect some "adverse side effects". This is normal %26 generally means that the product is working but it will make you have a feelihg of general illess as the toxins leave your body. Hope this helps.
www.glownshine.com/detoxdiets. to loose weight easily at home without exercising

Cigarettes please help me stop!!tHE BEST WAY TO STOP?

Well, you could wait until a doctor tells you that you have a terminal illness due to smoking.... OR, you could wise up NOW and just stop buying the things. I quit 6 months ago---cold turkey--no stop smoking aids at all. except of course that my doctor DID have that discussion with me. However, if you are young it is SOOOO worth it to quit. I had AWFUL cravings for the first 4 days and when I went out driving, I found myself reaching into my purse for a smoke (of course I didn't HAVE any)... I substituted orange pieces for smokes and that worked pretty well. Quiting while you are young is SOOO much easier and healthier then waiting as long as I did.quit now, you have a good shot to make it beyond 80. Keep smoking and you'll be like me and PRAYING to make it to 60.

Cigarette help?

i'm 16 and im addicted to smoking. i currently ran out tonight and i'm going crazy. is there anything i can do to make the cravings less intense... im about to do something drastic. im anxious like you would not believe.
and, if possible, any ways to buy cigarettes underage at stores?
You aren't going to like this answer but PLEASE read it all and become enlightened.. I smoked cigarettes for 38 years... I am 56 and right now I am going through a TERMINAL ILLNESS brought about because of my smoking. it DID make me quit smoking the second I found out, but unfortunately it was too late. but at 16, it is NOT too late for you. Quit NOW at ANY AND ALL COSTS because your life will be significantly shortened BECAUSE of smoking if you do not quit RIGHT NOW and stay off them FOREVER!!! Life goes by very quickly---one day, you are 16 with your entire life ahead of you and in what seems like the ver next breath, you are a 56 year old woman... AND, the older you get, the faster time seems to go by... AND, when a doctor tells you that you have less then 5 years to LIVE----well I can't even explain how quickly time is flying by right now.If you think I'm OLD and it's OK to be dying, I am NOT and IT is not... I was stupid. EVERYONE who smokes is stupid for not quitting. especially since it CAN allow you to live much longer if you stop smoking. Look, I know what it is to be addicted to smoking and I KNOW what it is to be young and say ---IT WON'T HAPPEN TO ME----well, it DID... and it WILL happen to you.... it's not a fun way to die either---my lungs hurt ALL the time, my heart does not pump oxygen and blood well any more and I take a handful of medications every day just to survive a little longer.is that REALLY the way you want your life to be or to END? Quitting is difficult, but staying a smoker is a DEATH SENTENCE... To help with the cravings, I would peel, pull apart and eat ORANGE Pieces... they gave me something to do with my hands AND satisfied that craving for something to "suck" on in my mouth---oranges are non-fattening and good for you so in a way, I was FINALLY doing something GOOD for me---only I waited to long. Please stop getting someone to buy you cigarettes now while you are young enough that the habit isn't as strong as it will be if you continue. Please quit for your HEALTH and your LIFE!!! Oh and the cravings will slow down as the days go by...I've been off cigarettes now for 6 months and don't even miss them any more---had I known it wouldn't be all that bad to quit, I would have and SHOULD have done it 30 years ago!!!
Do you plan on being hooked to an oxygen tank by the time your 40? You need to quit smoking, its bad for your health, now would be the perfect time to start.
Drink water, suck on mints, get some rest, read a book. Do something different.
stop smoking
just go three days without it will get much easier
just sit back and look at how you are acting. listen to how you sound... absolutely ridiculous! you are 16 years old. stop acting like a child. your 16 and addicted to cigarettes? listen to how that sounds. just stop smoking, your really hurting yourself. take this from someone that smoked from when she was 14-18. when i was 17 i started coughing up blood some mornings. its just not worth it. im now 20, and im finally starting to feel clean on the inside. just quit, its totally not worth it!
Try Chewing Gum...It's help keeping your mind out from smoking for a while because you mouth is busy chewing and make sure it's really mintie.
go strap yourself to a bed something... Don't smoke.. your 16.. do you know what your putting into your body? how smoking is so addictive?.. is how your giving Your life and money to the smoking industry? thats crazy.. do anything but smoke.. or your not going to have a long life..
Trust me, you don't want to keep this Very-Bad addiction up. I started at a very early age, and now I'm 44.
I still smoke, not even 1 pack a week {which is too much}.
Plain %26 simple truth:
I started when I was 13 {31 yrs ago}
Started having very bad breathing problems
I quit
Breathing was okay
I started back up again
Quit again...Ohhhhh,I could go on and on, of the bunches of times to the hospital for not being able to breath...
I cut down to 1 pack a day a few years ago. My lungs are better, but what hit me the most was when my doctor told me, "The next time you light up that ciggarrete, look over at the end of the match, then look down, there's your coffin in the ground waiting for you".
Some things that can help.

Vitamin C helps I'm not sure how but it helps the body cope with not having nicotine.
Cinnamon. The hot kind like what's in gum and Cinnamon bears. You can also exercise. The endorphins that your body makes are similar as to what nicotine does so it can make your cravings less intense. However, there is no magic bullet. I can tell you it's better to quit when your younger.

Chromium pills? weight loss?

i bought chromium chelate pills yesterday, just wondering if anyone has had any good results from them..they supposedly help fat metabolism..have they worked for you??
I bought them, didn't do a thing except cost me money.

Choose: tiny waist, big boobs, pert bum?

What would you rather have?
If one would be the like the above, another average and the other the opposite, how would you choose.
I would go for:
tiny waist, average boobs, bad bum(if that is possible, cause I like big bums)
or maybe
big boobs, average waist, bad bum
I have the huge boobs and bum, I'll take the tiny waist!!
Average boobs, tiny waist, big bum (but I like all three lol).Okay okay, small boobs, tiny waist, huge bum lolol.HTH : )
gotta have that junk in the trunk!! :)

Cholesterol problem. please help...?

i m in japan now.it very expensive country.i have high colorestrol.doctors says i have to control food.but if i go to buy low colorestrol food overy here, its so expensive n cannot afford.please someone tell, if i can use cheap food to overcome with this.
Itis NONSENSESee hereDO NOT WORRYhttp://www.ravnskov.nu/cholesterol.htm...
I the only thing i have to say is watch what you eat and stay away from fried food. and if you are over weight you need to lose some pound.
No fried food and walk a lot.
Take fish oil.
Eat Cheerios. They help to reduce cholesterol.

Choices anerexic or low calorie?

Okay so im still deciding should i go on a low calory diet like starting 900cals/ day going down to 500cals/day or just quit well im ahead an go totaly anerexic help fast please!
Neither are good for you! I'm sure u don't want to hear that, but you should eat at least 1200 calories a day. Your gonna make ur self really sick!
Don't go anorexic. That's just stupid. Eventually you'll get so skinny that you won't be able to eat because it will KILL YOU.And besides, it's not easy to be anorexic. So just go for a diet or something.
You are an idiot. Sorry, but you are. I havehad an UNWANTED eating disorder and it nearly destroyed me. Even tho I eat normally now, it still controls me. It never goes away completely. To just "go anorexic" is crazy. Do not do that. It can have serious side affects that can and Will kill you if it gets out of hand. Do Not let your calories get that low. And please, talk to your doctor asap.http://www.anred.com/toc.html
Go there and look at the horrid stats and the side affects, please. I beg you, do not do this. It will ruin your life.
anorexia or bulimia
is an eating disorder
it comes, it's not chosenyou can't "learn" how to be anorexic
no need to reduce calories to reduce weight. Eat balanced diet.
I don't know if you realize what damage you could be doing to your body by either going on a dangerously low calorie diet or not eating at all (anorexia). I have a friend whose daughter is an anorexic - and the daughter has been on the brink of death a number of times because of her condition. Not eating a balanced diet will place extreme stress on your vital organs - especially your kidneys which are necessary to help filter waste from your body. Your hair may become thin and brittle and your skin will become thinner and become more suseptible to wrinkles making you look older than you really are. Your thinking will no be as efficient as your brain uses carbohydrates as fuel. Your bones by start to weaken which may set you up to have osteoporosis at an early age. If you're wanting to eventually have children, such abuse to your body will compromise your reproductive system and really mess up your hormones. And the list gets longer as you continue to deprive your body of the necessary nutrients it needs to be healthy. I hope that you seek counseling on how to lose weight safely. What you're considering doing is not worth the long term damage that you could be doing to your body.
lol start at 1500 calories then reduce slowly until your at 1200 calories.i have background in exercise and fitness sciecne and biology.
run a mile 3-5 days a week and eat fruits and vegetables and cut carbs and junk foods..healthy % of body fat is about 4% to 15%, but if u get lower than 8% u will have six packs
Why do you need help fast? Take your time and lose the weight for good.
as with all diets....see your doctor please500 cals per day.you will starve...not healthyagain..see your doctor
Diet and excercise is the ONLY way to go. Don't starve yourself.


Does chocolate have caffeine?
Dark and caramel has in caffeine but white chocolate doesn't
. . .yeah!
As much as coffee, tea and bananas
I don't think it has caffeine but it is were cocaine comes from, the cocoa plant in the leaves.
of course

Chocolate treats?

is chocolate really as bad for you as everyone thinks. I need to no cause i am a big chocolate eater and i heard it prevents cancer from happening. Is this really true ?
It's the coco from the plant that is healthy but the sugar that is not. Dark chocolate has more coco and is healthier. i don't know if it prevents cancer but it is healthy for your heart. Do some research on the web about the coco plant. Who knows what you will find.
only dark chocolate
Usually, the junk that is mixed in with it is enough to negate any of the benefits that are being touted.
No, as a matter of fact they say that having a little bit of chocolate once in a while is actually good for you. Plus it makes you feel good. I love chocolate too. As long as you don't overdo it, it's cool.
Yes and no. While it's true that very, (very)
dark--and the rather rich, rather expensive
varieties of--chocolate can lower your risk
of contracting cancer, that is not meant to
mean that you should eat 3 Milky Way
Bars, 3 Three Musketeers and/or 3 Hershey
Bars every day, to keep the doctor away.
It just does not work that way.
However, chocolate candies of that sort
can be a great source for what are known
as "blackheads" and, yes... even pimples.
Many people ask me how they can slim down. I recommend that people eat right and exercise. However, if they would like a little "help", I suggest using natural Hoodia (it's important to note that not all Hoodia works well, even if the bottle says "pure" or "standard").The Hoodia sold at http://www.acessite.info/free-diet-pills... is in my opinion the best Hoodia on the market. It's pure, has no side effects, and they give you a free sample bottle (there is a $6.95 shipping and handling charge).
Fantastic results have been seen with this particular Hoodia.

Chinese Tea? Can it help you lose weight?

Has anyone tried this? Does it work? Where can I buy some?
Chinese Tea can definitely help you lose weight!!
Also known as Cammelia Sinensis. The tea I recommend is called Fortune Delight. It is available via independent Distributors.
only if u r chinese
i don't know about Chinese tea but green tea has an effect on fat burning, it can break the fat molecules and release them to the bloodstream.
that is why it is recommended to have a green tea about an hour before any cardio to maximize the fat burn during the workout.

Chin ups, pull ups, other workouts with a bar?

can someone explain the different muscles that chin ups and pulls up do? also theres a type of pull up where your hands are parallel to your body (thumbs pointing to the back). whats that one called and what does it target. what other workouts can be done with a pull up bar?
Chin ups hit biceps, pull ups hit triceps. Both hit the entire arm though through both being a semi compound movement.I think the other one you mention is is a medial deltoid excercise for your shoulders called the dumbel press.A pull up bar is a great tool, pull ups, chins is all you can do on it though. Get a dipping bar and you can hit chest, and delts too for a complete upper body routine. Throw in some ab crunches aswell.
Chin ups hit biceps, rear delts (shoulders) and the upper back
Pull ups hit biceps. triceps, front delts and the upper back
Other exercises you can do are leg raises (hold the bar and raise your knees to your chest, works abs)
Wide grip chin ups (wider grip than normal to emphasise work on shoulders.
Close grip pull ups (emphasises work on the shoulders and chest)

Chicken in oven healthy?

If I made a chicken leg in the oven with vegetables (mainly corn), is that healthy?? It was skinless chicken, and all I used was some cilantro, about how many calories would be in one chicken leg? Thanks!
Better than fried.
I DONT KNOW HOW MANY CALORIES it would be...but baked chicken is healthy...its right there with grilled and barbecue...any other way to prepare...is..fattening. or that is what mah trainer tells me...
1 lb of broiled skinless darkmeat is 166 calories, 7.9 grams of fat. Here's a calorie guide for chicken :http://www.doithome.com/food_search.asp?...

Chicken has more calories than bacon...but it's more filling..which is best to put on my salad??

Definitely chicken.
Chicken is technically the better choice, however, you can't eat a diet of chicken your whole life without getting totally bored. Even my Mom who went on a strict diet was sick of it within a year. Use the rule eating in moderation and alternate both whenever you can, the key is sensible variety.
chicken. chicken may have more calories but it's healthier and has no fat.. bacon on the other hand has alot of fat!!
chicken breast meat is the best to put inside your salad. =D
Eat only when hungry and not more than three times a day. Take only water in between. Include plenty of fruits and uncooked vegetables in ur food intake. Chew each morsel 32 times to enable activating ur body to generate signals to warn u that u have had enough.Take regular light exercises and brisk walks, preferably twice a day. This will enable u to achieve what u thought was impossible.
Definitely chicken. All calories are not created equal. Chicken provides you a great source of protein, with no carbs, and a bit of fat. Try to keep it lean. If you get bored, you can try lean beef, turkey, or even buffalo, which is extremely lean meat, and delicious.

Chicken and veggie diet?

will a person lose weight if they go on a chicken and green veggie diet?
Most likely they will, if they take in less calories than they burn. However, a person can lose weight eating anything they want, as long as they are taking in less calories than they burn in a day.The diet you mention is greatly lacking in the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. You need fruits and whole grains. Eating only chicken and green veggies will eventually affect your nerve health, and you may become weak and shaky. You may also be more prone to colds and bruising. And for sure, being a young woman, you will be lacking the calcium you need for good bone health. Add some fruit like oranges and strawberries, some fresh tomatoes and a little olive oil (you need health fats) over whole grain pasta (or try the Barilla Plus which is full of protein and fiber), and some skim milk and yogurt, to your daily diet. Be sure you are exercising also, to help raise your metabolic rate and help you burn calories.
Probably, and they'll lose their health along with it. Weird diets with limited foods don't work.
Yes it is quite possible to lose huge amounts of body fat just eating chicken and green veggies (or any lean meats %26 veggies for that matter). From personal experience the chicken will begin to taste like cardboard if that is all you eat. you will have trouble lasting very long. at about three weeks i was forcing myself to not throw up. I lost 14 lbs though. but i would not eat only these foods mix it up but lean protien and veggies are a great base for any diet. Check out diets at www.bodybuilding.com
don't worry you won't get scary or too bulky eaither just follow a cutting diet
oh yes. those are two of the things that are actually good for you. both of those are recommended by the south beach diet. you should check it out, there are also other things you can eat so you wont get tired of just chicken and veggies. =)
Sure. But you'd also lose weight by eating starving yourself. The point is, that's not healthy. You need ALL food groups in proper portions to lose weight properly and to be healthy. Besdies, once you eat normally again all the weight will come back.

Chest exercises...?

what are the best chest exercises for more smaller and defined pecs?
range of bench presses.incline to work the top of the pec
flat for all over
decline to target the bottompressups are good tooalso cable crossover will build strong pecs too.losing bodyfat will show your pecs off more.
push ups
Check out the muscle mags for info on chest exercises. One I looked at years ago ranked chest excercises and had bench press (incline or decline) and dips ranked one-two. After that came butterflies, etc. However, all of these will give you BIGGER pecs. The definition will come from using a variety of excercises. Also, build up your arms too. Big chest and puny arms looks stupid.

Chest excercises.other than benchpress?

What are some of the most effective chest workouts, other than benchpress, pushups??... i dont have a benchpress at home.
Dips and flyes.However, it sounds like you are working out at home, not in a gym, without any equipment. Is that true?Do you at least have a flat bench and some dumbbells? You can do flyes with that, as well as dumbbell presses.If you can adjust the bench to make it at an incline, you can also add incline flyes and incline dumbbell presses to your routine.You can also do push ups, but have your feet up on a bench (or chair) and put your hands on two separate chairs (or stools) so when you go down, your chest can sink down between the two chairs.Here is a link to a book I highly recommend. I have been working out for ~16 years and have referred to this book often:
http://www.amazon.com/getting-stronger-w...Lots of great tips, excercises and workout programs, including diagrams showing each exercise. There are sections for each body part with different exercises for each. A great resource.
Ive never heard of anyone trying to get gains by doing flyes but they are a excellent refining exercise. ---you can easily mess up your shoulder. be careful if you try them For general SIZE increase in the chest ; inclines. hope this helps.
Check out this website:http://www.bodybuilding.comUnder the supersite section they have a page on workouts and exercises. You can pull up specific muscle groups and what types of equipment you want to use.


I am 12 years old,and I want to be a cheerleader next year,but,I think i am wayyyy to fat,and too tall.I am 5'6 and I weigh 130 pounds,and I think I am going to try and lose 35 pounds over the summer.Do you think I should still try out?
35 pounds is wayyyyy to much for your height. your in a ideal wieght for your hieght, you don't need to lose any wieght and don't worry about it. Just tryout for chreerleading and i know that cheerleading is a lot of hard work and control of the body and strength. instead of trying to lose wieght try to tone your body because your gonna need the strength.
Yes, I think you should try out. Just because you think your overweight, doesnt mean you won't make it. Not everyone is flyers anyways. You can easily be just as good as anyone else. Go for it and good luck
If you lose 35pounds then maybe u should
You are wayyyyyyyy to young to be worrying about your weight. You DON"T need to lose any weight. and i'm sure you're a great cheerleader, and all the other girls will be jealous of your beautiful curves!!
dont lose to much weight cuz thats not healthy. but if u lose maybe 15 pounds u should be fine. try out god luck! I am 12 too!!! srry had to say that.S.
lose about 10-12 pounds, 35 is too much. if you reach your goal still try out
Honey, I cheered all through high school and college. I was an assistant coach for my college squad when I was in grad school and I currently coach my daughters cheer squad. At 5 foot 6 inches and 130 pounds your weight is PERFECT. Cheerleaders need to be strong and be able to exercise and run. It is very hard to cheer constantly for two hours straight. I say try out and do NOT lose any weight. You will be of no use to the squad if you do.
Start practicing splits, cartwheels, round-offs and jumps instead of losing weight. It will tighten you up and you will be fine.
Good luck!
I would say if you are going to lose that amount of weight, Do it safely. Keep your fluid level high by drinking alot of water, and if you start to feel sick then slow down the weight lose because if you do it to fast that is very very unhealthy.
your just your weight that you should be. so don't try out and just to keep in shape keep eating regularly get into the habit of going on a long walk everyday.
Sure you should defo try out i am sure you will be an awesome cheerleader and if you dont get in then you can always try out next year you've got lots of time!! You are a perfect weight but i know what the pressures are to lose weight (im 16) perhaps lose about 10lbs and see how you feel! but you are absolutly perfect now dont put yourself down! Good luck at the try outs and losing weight (if thats what you decide to do) x x x
Your weight is good for your height. 35 lbs is too much to lose. Try to build up strengthhttp://www.varsity.com/index.asp?article...

Cheap gym in York, UK?

Whats a cheap gym in York, Yorkshire, UK? I need 1 where bikes are safe to lock up, and no long membership fees, just pay by the session. I don't care about any of the luxuries, just a decent gym.
Find a personal trainer, buy dietary supplements, vitamins, and discount exercise equipment at T.F.D.
Find a personal trainer, buy dietary supplements, vitamins, and discount exercise equipment at The Fitness Directory.

Chatime herbal tea? does it work?

im a fourteen year old girl. recently my mom bought apack of chatime herbal tea and she didnt liek it so she gave them to me. the tea is supposed to help with weight loss. has anyone tried it before and have they gotten any results? on teh bottle it says not reoccmened for ppl 16 and younger but is it still ok if i drink it? THANKS adn please no dumb answers.
"cha" means Te, in Portuguese... so what you have is a Te-time... for weight loss.
most of these "Tess"' are based on your weight; that is why they tell you about your age. If you are fully develop, should not be a problem. most-likely. you will go the the bathroom more often than usual... keep an eye on that... that is they way it works, to help you to loose weight. good luck.
there is a reason people your age should not take these weight loss products. you are going through puberty and your hormones are all out of wack! taking anything that could effect your development(with out the consent of a doctor) could do some real damage. you may not see it immediately, you are only 14, if you need to lose weight, exercise and start eating a little bit healthier. i can't believe your mother gave you these! did she not see the warning label?
you have alot of growing to do and your body will change dramatically over the next 5 years, please don't do something to change that.

Change in diet = stomach issues?

I used to eat fast food just about every other day..but i realized how bad it was so this past week ive changed up my diet to be more healthy..drinking more water eating salads and stuff etc. But ever since, Ive woken up every morning with horrible stomach cramps and aches and in the begining of the week I had diarhrea for about 3 days...Whats going on here? I also take birth control pills and i have been for the past 6 months but i dont believe that to be the root of the issue...can anyone explain wuts goin on? is my body just not used to the new food?
introducing a new patron of your eating habit is a problem that you must taken seriously. It has to be balanced. Your own body tells you now your going to fast. A bit slower in changing and your body get used to the new food
its because you changed your diet so suddenly.. your stomach is practically new to that kind of food..
it is only common sense.
greasy foods.high cholestrol..
your body maybe having a witdrawel with u..
however go on line now..check the side effects
of your birth control pill name mfg etc..
if its there bingo..just a warning two co.'s out there
are no name and smith glaser..
If you are eating alot of raw veggies, that can cause stomach aches. Do things slowly your digestive system has to catch up. This is one of the draw backs of healthy eating, so start off with less raw fruit and veggies.
hey u can try detox diets to loose weight.detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(detoxmedifastdiets.blogspot.c... )is a great website that has many detox diets recipes and tips to loose weight...try them and loose weight fast at home without exercising

Certain foods can do this?

I have heard that certain foods, such as lemon juice and peanuts or spicy foods can help speed up your metabbolism. Is this true and if not are there certain foods that can help?
7 Foods That Help Boost Metabolism
(CBS4) DENVER One of the best ways to lose weight is to speed up your metabolism, and one way to speed up your metabolism is to eat. But what you eat is key, CBS4's Dr. Dave Hnida reports.Food and metabolism has been studied quite a bit, and turns out there are foods that are the true "fast foods" (foods that can rev up the rate at which you burn calories.)Green tea: An extract in green tea speeds metabolism. Grapefruit: The Scripps Clinic says some special chemicals in grapefruit help trigger weight loss.Low Fat Yogurt: The combination of calcium and protein puts this on the list, with or without fruitLean Turkey: It's the best fat burning meat out there, and the reason has something to do with the proteinChicken and Rice Soup: A study from Penn State finds chicken and rice soup speeds metabolism, especially when eaten before a meal.Broccoli: Hnida says he really dislikes broccoli, but it doesn't mean it doesn't belong on this list.Hot Peppers: "If you like Mexican food you're in luck," Hnida said. "It's not really the burrito that will speed your metabolism up, but the chili peppers that you put on top of them. These things contain a secret ingredient called capsaicin, and it not only makes your nose run but it makes your metabolism run, and not only does it burn your mouth but also helps you burn calories."Other things that will speed your metabolism include eating smaller meals, drinking lots of water and exercise. The best exercise is weight training, since muscle burns more calories than other tissues.Things that slow your metabolism include lack of sleep, lack of exercise and fasting.CBS4 Video:
check out Hilton Head Metabolism Diet at


I'm relatively fit person- 5' 8" and 140 lbs- yet the only reason I am uncomfortable with my body is because of unsightly cellulite on my thighs and stomach. Is there any way to get rid of it and/or make it less noticible or do I just have to lose some weight?
i had it a long time ago. I got rid of it through exercise. i was 150lbs. and got down to 138lbs. in just two months. I played tennis in the summer and biked to and from classes. you should get signed up to take a class with a friend and then tell yourself someone is depending on you and save the ice cream for later.
You can try to tone that area up with situps or walking/running up hills and stairs. It's every women's bane. I use self tanners to mask it and try to tone it up.
My best friend swears by the foam roller! Here is what she has to say about it and what she does.http://womenofdietandfitness.wordpress.c...Contact me at http://www.betterbodiesbycarmel.com/... Carmel~ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
You might try visiting a sauna at a health club. They will do wonders for your skin and body.If you need more sauna information head over to http://saunasforyou.com
Many people ask me how they can slim down. I recommend that people eat right and exercise. However, if they would like a little "help", I suggest using natural Hoodia (it's important to note that not all Hoodia works well, even if the bottle says "pure" or "standard").The Hoodia sold at http://www.acessite.info/free-diet-pills... is in my opinion the best Hoodia on the market. It's pure, has no side effects, and they give you a free sample bottle (there is a $6.95 shipping and handling charge).
Fantastic results have been seen with this particular Hoodia.

Celebrity fit club...do they weigh in every week?

the first week they all mostly lost 15lbs to 9lbs? is that in one week? how does that work? and sign me up!!!!
It's actually not that uncommon. This is because it's not fat they're losing, it's water weight. I had joined weight watchers about 3 years back and one of the men that had been sitting in the meeting lost 11 lbs in the first week. It's not uncommon as long as you realize it's just water. The first week is all water, the second week is when they fat starts to come off.
I thought it was one week, but thats too much weight for one week maybe its two or three?
No, your question was actually "is that in one week" in addition to "how does that work?"Yes, it is one week. Also, the above poster answered how. Water weight. If you don't like an answer, be entirely specific with your question. It truly seems like you're asking "how do you lose that much in a week/how is that possible" by asking "how does that work"

Cayenne pepper and weight loss?

Does anyone know if Cayenne pepper can be used as a tool to help with weight loss??
adding any spicy pepper to food will help speed up your metabolism.
I've never heard that one. Could be if you put too much on you'll be less incline to eat it all or much as it would be too hot. Keep water ready!
Yes, it does help with weight loss. It equalizes the blood flow in the body, increases blood circulation,stimulates the organs of the body properly so that they heal, cleanse, %26 function normally. The bottom line is, it increases the burning of fat in your body. They make a ceyenne capsul or you can buy empty capsuls and fill them yourself with ceyenne pepper.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I did this and lost 12 pounds and 17 inches in 9 days and then 28 pounds in about a month. I like the program since it works by giving your body nutrition through protein shakes with digestive enzymes and vitamins and then cleansing out the toxins. We get toxins in our bodies from pesticides, preservatives, water, pollution, medications, food additives etc鈥? These toxins enter our bodies and get coated with fat. To remove the extra fat, we need to get rid of the toxins through cleansing. The program also has a natural diet pill to help your metabolism and curb cravings. It works and it works fast. I lost 30 pounds in 5 weeks and I feel great. My skin has improved as well from the cleansing. You can get more info at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. I think cleansing is really important to health and weight loss. Give it a try and good luck! http://losebigweight.com

CARDIO!! how do you do it!?

i need step by step instrutins on how to do cardio! i have a BIG exercize ball a workout outfit and a mat and water! i might be able to buy something for cardio by it has to be cheap! best answer get to be on my contacts and 10 POINTS!!!!love ya %26lt;3333
I still believe cardio kick boxing will get the heart pumped the hardest and give you the results of pure satisfaction. Check out the links I gave you. And be sure to tell us what you chose to do. I'd be interested!
walk, run, jog
cardio you need to get your heart pumping,so an exercise ball isn't going to do it, you need a treadmill or a bike, or just go jogging.Kickboxing is fun too
Don't undo it.
Cardio is just getting your heart rate up.. Walking is Cardio.. Running is Cardio and its freel..The best way to run if you don't like to is run for 1 min, then walk for 2. Do this for 30 total min. and you will be in Cardio the whole time.. I lost 30 lbs doing just this.. Then the more i did this the longer I was able to run between stopping..Good luck...Oh..Cardio is just getting your heart rate up...
Its basically anything you would do outside....running, jumping, skipping, lunging, riding your bike, swimming, dancing, yoga, etc

Cardio workouts and Tachycardia?

I have been working out including doing some cardio and I have Inappropriate Sinustachycardia (fast heartrate) I am not on any medication for it and wont be able to go back to the doctor for a few more monthes. What I was wanting to know does anyone know of something that can help keep my heartrate down with I am working out?
well i if you have suproventriculalr tachicardia, one way to stop the extremely fast heartbeat is too squat down and push like you have to go to the bathroom...no im not kidding it works lol...also they should end within a few minutes, but if not, go to the emergency room, they have medicine that can stop it immediately...im currently on a hrm for this so i know what u mean

Cardio workout?

aight i go to the gym and i do 20 mins on the tredmill, 20 mins on the bike, and 30 mins on the stairmasters. then after that i lift lighter wieghts but more reps. is what im doing right because i wanna get my muscles more defined and be cut up. so any suggestions?
Hi there ! You need to do some changes. Treadmill, jogging, swimming, bike and stairmasters will tone you down i.e.' lose weight and gain shape. If you want to build muscles you should do weights like work on a bench-press. The more number of weights you lift, the greater will be your muscle bulk. You have 2-3 different exercises for each muscle group and dont neglect small muscles like hand and forearm muscles. Goodluck.
Keep up the work.You are on the right track.
Sure does sound good.. how often do you go though?
Lifting every two days is a great regime. Most serious plans set you up for four days a week. Cardio at least three times a week.A serious routine is to do lifting every two days with cardio in between.. for example. If you do the cardio on the same day as lifting... I think you should really be lifting first.
The cardio will definitely tone up your legs/muscles.
As for the weights, remember to always up the lbs every so often, because it is not good to get into a rut with weights. Always push yourself further. It sounds like you've pretty much got it in the bag.
good luck :)

Cardio workout?

hello. im a thin, 15 yr old boy. i was wondering if this is a good cardio workout...i listen to a rap song on my ipod on the treadmill, and when the song is over, i jump rope for about a minute, and then i do crunches for a minute. then i play the next song and run, and repeat the process like 4-5 times. is this good? also, what is the perfect speed to put the treadmill at while doing cardio? thanks!
You didn't say what your goals are.Generally speaking, cardio is not effective on circuits, which is what you are doing.Instead of bouncing around, do 30 minutes on the treadmill or jumping rope, then do your crunches.There is no perfect speed for the treadmill.
this is a good excerise, but your still young, try not to over do yourself

Cardio workout and pilates?

if i run on the treadmill everyday for about 30 mins and then do pilates workout for dummies how long will it be till i see reasults...and how much results will i see in about a month.im 5'3 and weigh about 125..it doesnt sound like im fat but i have a little pouch on my stomach
I don't believe it will take too long, but also..what are you eating? That can make a huge difference. Remember to keep it healthy; protein, some carb, lots of fruits and veg. Water should be your preferred drink as well.. Good luck:)
if you stick with it and don't eat to much you should see some results in 30 days maybe alittle sooner keep it up
Sounds like you need to do some ab work. I workout almost everyday and use this book. http://www.amazon.com/mens-health-body-w...
It's made for men but has a ton of different ways to workout your abs. I really suggest it.
well i did pilates and it made me open my rib cage which made my abs and tummy bigger,do treadmill and 200 crunches every day and do not drink any soda,cola,

Cardio with Weightlifting?

Would three hours a week cardio(Tae Kwon Do), with 5 hours a week (Weight Lifting), would the cardio help gain muscle, or what?
cardio will not help gain muscle but it helps boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. Weight Lifting is the best way to gain muscle mass, be sure to go heavy and low repetitions.

Cardio routine that will help me get in shape?

I need help getting together a cardio workout that will help me get in good shape. I love running, but i have a knee problem so i have to go light when it comes to running. can anyone help me? thanks a bunch.
You know yourself better than anyone. If you cannot do running, your best bet is to try bicycling. Or you could even do some trail walking.Some of the top cardio activities include: jogging, stair master, elliptical, walking, hiking, swimming or cycling.The problem is that most people start doing a cardio routine that they hate and then they won't stick with it. If you enjoy running, you should figure out why you are having knee problems: bad shoes, bad form, bad genetics, too many hills, running on pavement, weak quadriceps? Any of those issues can affect your knees.Ultimately, you are going to have to see what sort of resources you have available to you (to you belong to a gym, for instance?) and follow through. Generally, though, you are going to need to examine what you can do and what you enjoy.Good luck.
well try stand running use a tread mill or stair climber or some somethin like that

Cardio help??

i need a quik cardio workout tht i cen do evryday tht will burn fat and get mi heart rate up.
I find running the best. Also if you add intervals into your cardio you will burn more and your metabolism will keep burning after you stop.
Walking briskly, jogging, aerobics videos or programs on TV, bicycling, rollerblading, jumping rope, dancing, swimming.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is cardio performed at such an intense level that your body will spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover from the ***-kicking you gave it. This is commonly referred to as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) and it means that you consume a great deal more oxygen recovering from the exercise bout than you would have if you'd just done a steady-state workout.
There are a gazillion cardio workouts you can do. Question is what are your goals? Do you want to lose weight, build muscle, build explosivness, is it for a particular sport? It also depends on your fitness level. You can get a great cardio workout with weights or without them. As far as without weights, one of the all time best fat burners, and the cheapest, is jumping rope or shadow boxing. And working them into a circuit. Like 3min jumprope, 1min pushups, 1min situps, 1min pullups, 1min sprints. Take a 1min rest and repeat at least 3 times. Just do your research, don't take any one persons answer for granted. Maybe I know what I'm talking about and maybe I don't. YOU don't know unless you research!

Cardio exercises?

Can anyone suggest some cardio exercises I can do when my ankles are sprained? I need to lost some weight.
Try aerobic exercise in water.In water your body is buoyant and impact to your joints (in your case, sprained ankles) during exercise is very much reduced due to lessened gravitational forces. You'll be able to exercise without the jarring and jolting experienced in land-based exercise. You'll also burn about 450-700 calories per hour.
Lift weights

Cardio before lifting weights or after?

I've always heard that you should do cardio before lifting weights to warm up. But, then I hear people that do it after lifting weights what's the difference and why do people do that. I am 24 yrs old, 5,1, and weight 105lbs, I am underweight, but the reason why I do cardio is to warm up and I am trying to get rid of these damn love handles...lol...So what is your suggestion. I am also confused on how much cardio I should do since I am already skinny and I dont want to burn muscle only fat. Thanks in advance for your answer =)
after the weights.. cardio always comes after the weights. this way, you have more energy available when weight training, leading to a more effective workout, and secondly, you will have used alot of the stored muscle glycogen during the course of your weight workout, leading to a more effective fat burning effect from your cardio afterwards. you can safely do 30-40 minutes of cardio 3x-4x weekly without burning into muscle mass. cardio sessions that go over 45 minutes begin to sap you of muscle size. hope this helps, good luck
According to the trainers at my gym, it doesn't matter which you do first.
Do 5-10 minutes of warm up at a decent pace, then 15-45 minutes at the end when your muscles are depleted to lose fat. It will be hard, but push through it.It has something to do with all of the carbs in your system being burned up during your weight workout, so the cardio you do at the end only has fat to burn.Love handles have more to do with heredity than fat, so you could get even thinner and still have the appearance of love handles.
Does not matter. Most people seem to like to do cardio first then weight lift because it 'warms up the muscles". This is false as the muscles are warmed up whenever you use them. So you can warm your muscles up perfectly fine by starting your exercise by lifting light weight. I actually prefer to lift first then do cardio. This is my personal preference because I hate cardio and I find if I do it first I tend to be wiped out for lifting, which is what I am really concentrating on.
You also can do cardio to help with those love handles. Don't worry about burning away muscle. Your body uses simple carbohydrates first for fuel, then begins to break down fat. Only after ATP can no longer be adequately provided from fat do you begin to break down proteins, which muscle is made out of. After that you start to break down your nucleic acids...you do not need to worry about that. Also lifting weights will help to burn those love handles because muscle requires much more energy to maintain itself than fat. By increasing muscle mass, you will be increasing your metabolism (specifically your catabolism which is the breaking down process)
If you're thin, you need to eat good calories and train with weights. You need quality calories from good fats and protein. Tuna, Chicken, Steak, egg whites etc.Stretching or light weight sets prior to a full weight training session is what most body builders do to warm up. Cardio is left for after the workout (if at all). You burn calories during a good weight training workout. You can continue to burn calories after the weights if you want with cardio. In order to build muscle you need to lift weights and feed the muscles with good food (protein). Body builders "bulk" or gain as much muscle as they can. They try to gain as much muscle and as little fat as possible. Then increase the cardio, decrease the amount of calories when they prepare for a show. Cardio can be used to burn excess calories, but is usually used when trying to "cut" or lose weight.Cardio before weight training will make you tired. You will not be able to lift the weight you typically could without the cardio. You need to build up you muscle by lifting to your potential during your training sessions.

Cardio and strength... does it matter when i do my cardio before,after or middle of strength training?

Hi im a 17 year old girl... and i have been working out for about a year now, before that i just played sports, and jogged, but now i am into volleyball all year round on a top team so practices can be pretty intense, anyways, on top of that, i go to to the gym, right now its my 1 month of beach season so im not doing much practice, so im going to the gym more often, anyways i have school indoor tryouts in about 3 weeks,,, and does it matter when i do my cardio at the gym, i have been doing it at the start of my routine, but it seems alot easier to do after lifting a few wieghts and working on my legs, easier to breath i guess,,, is that cause i already have my blood flowing from lifting wieghts, or im i cheating some way, cause i heard its best to do 45 mins of cardio for women at the start of the workout... anyways let me know
warm-up with cardio for 15 minutes to get the heart rate elevated and blood flow increased. then perform your resistance training and finish up with the rest of our cardio workout. you want to keep the total training time to 90 minutes or less.
From Denise Astin to Podcast fitness ,I always heard it is best to do like cardio for 10 minutes and strength training 10 minutes at least 30 minutes to and hour daily. I think it's wonderful someone as young as you is exercising and caring about your health .
God Bless
i personally like to do cardio first because if i get my heart up to its target heart rate then if i continue to do strength training i feel like my heart rate stays up and therefor i burn more calories and keep my heart pumping longer.

Cardio and Jump Rope?

Hello. I'm looking to get a good cardio workout but I am sadly confined to the house/back yard. All I have is a jump rope, no tread mill.My question is, is jumping rope as good of a cardio workout as jogging/running? And how long should I do it for a good cardio workout?
Jumping rope is EXCELLENT cardiovascular exercise. You burn more calories jumping rope than running.You'll need to jump rope for 30 minutes to get a good workout.However, you don't have to start there! Start slowly and work your way up. Try starting out for 5-10 minutes first and slowly add on to your time.

Carbs and Fiber Question....?

If I am counting carbs, should I count the carb content or carb content minus the fiber content?So, if I had some popcorn with 23 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber, should I count that as 23 grams of carb OR 15 grams of carbs consumed?
Never count the fiber. The fiber is FREE because your body just passes it on by. So count the 15, not 23.
hey u can try detox diets to loose weight.detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(detoxmedifastdiets.blogspot.c... )is a great website that has many links for detox diets recipes and tips to loose weight...try the links and loose weight fast at home without exercising

Carbohydrates ??

Ok I heard that carbohydrates make you meatier and thats exactly what i want to do anyway i know all about the protein and fibre i just want to know how many carbohydrates in one meal do i need to eat to get me a bit meatier any one know oh and what foods are packed with healthy carbohyrdates ??..x
200G to 300G a day of carbohydrates the healthy carbs or potatos and pastagood luck
they wont help alone ur just get fat if u dont work out and do some weights.
Carbohydrates release energy slowly, and proteins release energy quickly.So Carbohydrates are more likely to be kept and stored as fat for energy later on. Where as proteins, and sugars are going to be burned off almost immediately as a quick resource of energy.Potatoes, pasta and cereals are about the best source of Carbohydrate you need. If you eat over 100 grams of Carbohydrates daily you should put on weight, depending on the how active you are.Take a look at this site, it will give you some good idea of what to eat to help you bulk up a little.http://www.healthyeatingclub.com/info/bo...
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