Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cant stop eating?

i cant stop eating. this has been going on for about 3 days. everday after school once i start eating i cant stop, and even during recess and lunch im never full enough, and when i finally think im stuffed im hungry again in an hour. im only 15 and due for my period. why is this ?
Hi. Lee. My ID is Ms. Dell. My pleasure to meet you.I got to understand you are having problems eating a lot.Sometimes the strongest longings for food happen when you're at your weakest point emotionally. Many people turn to food for comfort 鈥?consciously or unconsciously 鈥?when they're facing a difficult problem or looking to keep themselves occupied.But emotional eating 鈥?eating as a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, anxiety, boredom, sadness and loneliness 鈥?can sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Often, emotional eating leads to eating too much food, especially high-calorie, sweet, salty and fatty foods.The good news is that if you're prone to emotional eating, you can take steps to regain control of your eating habits and get back on track with your weight-loss goals.
Some foods may have seemingly addictive qualities. For example, when you eat palatable foods, such as chocolate, your body releases trace amounts of mood- and satisfaction-elevating opiates. That "reward" may reinforce a preference for foods that are most closely associated with specific feelings. Related to this is the simple fact that the pleasure of eating offsets negative emotions.Food can also be a distraction. If you're worried about an upcoming event or rethinking an earlier conflict, eating comfort foods may distract you. But the distraction is only temporary. While you're eating, your thoughts focus on the pleasant taste of your comfort food. Unfortunately, when you're done overeating, your attention returns to your worries, and you may now bear the additional burden of guilt about overeating.I am going to help you correct this, Lee. Learn to recognize true hunger. Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don't have a rumbling stomach, you're probably not really hungry. Give the craving a few minutes to passKnow your triggers. For the next several days, write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you're feeling when you eat and how hungry you are. Over time, you may see patterns emerge that reveal negative eating patterns and triggers to avoid.
Look elsewhere for comfort. Instead of unwrapping a candy bar, take a walk, treat yourself to a movie, listen to music, read or call a friend. If you think that stress relating to a particular event is nudging you toward the refrigerator, try talking to someone about it to distract yourself. Plan enjoyable events for yourself.
Don't keep unhealthy foods around. Avoid having an abundance of high-calorie comfort foods in the house. If you feel hungry or blue, postpone the shopping trip for a few hours so that these feelings don't influence your decisions at the store.
Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie food, such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip or unbuttered popcorn. Or test low-fat, lower calorie versions of your favorite foods to see if they satisfy your craving.
Eat a balanced diet. If you're not getting enough calories to meet your energy needs, you may be more likely to give in to emotional eating. Try to eat at fairly regular times. Include foods from the basic groups in your meals. Emphasize whole grains, vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat dairy products and lean protein sources. When you fill up on the basics, you're more likely to feel fuller, longer.
Exercise regularly and get adequate rest. Your mood is more manageable and your body can more effectively fight stress when it's fit and well rested.
If you give in to emotional eating, forgive yourself and start fresh the next day. Try to learn from the experience, and make a plan for how you can prevent it in the future. Focus on the positive changes you're making in your eating habits and give yourself credit for making changes that ensure better health.I hope you'll be successful.Again, Lee, it was my pleasure talking with you today. You have a great day now.Ms. Dell.
Maybe you have tape worms
eat a plant
hey..i have the same problem as well... hope to learn from the answers you get... i can only ever feel full for a while
Maybe you're pregnant.

Can't stop eatin...?

someone please help me, i have major depressive disorder badly, and I think it's coz i'm bored and my father jus died so it's the way i cope.. I'm a slim girl, and i'm jus worried that i'm gonna get fat.. i have been doin nothin but eatin and i'm not even hungry!! any suggestions on something else i could do, or a diet food that is good and won't fatten me up
Ya know when your eating, it feels bomb and tastes bomb, but then after your like "WHy did i eat all that, i feel sick now... and i know im gonna start gaining weight and feel even more horrible" ? Well imagine if you could be addicted to something that made you feel like you were on the top of the world and also got your sadness and anger out... Well there is something called running, or walking around the block outside, even some simple exercises make you feel like your doing something good for youself. Its a natural high... just try it, get off the comp and take a fast walk around the block, it feels kinda good. trust me.. Try even boxing or something just to get your feelings out it feels so good.. Eating, thinking about the past, crying, etc only makes you feel worse, ya know?
Instead of eating, focus your energy and time on something else. Join a gym, or pick up a new hobby, or get some books and read them!
This isn't really the best answer but Cigarettes may help, and Green Tea is good and it makes you relax as well. Try listening to some music besides eating or running, while you are in those rough times running and listening to music at the same time is a GREAT stress reliever plus it is healthy for you.Sorry about your father btw
Carrot stubs.
There are so many different ways to deal with depression. Some of the other options are playing a musical instrument, running or working out, hanging out with friends or significant other. If you eat a lot for a couple of days you should do just fine. Just try some of these other options if you are scared of gaining weight. Don't worry too much, cuz if you are skinny you won't gain weight over night.
Sorry about your loss.
God Bless

Can't stop chugging food.?

I am pretty skinny for my age. but I can't stop eating, I feel very unheathy as I chug in the cookies when I see them. my worst fear is to be obease, I'm okay now but what can I do to stop the love I have for food?
Get some discipline, if you feel like ur about to binge, go outside, go for a walk, paint your nails or call someone... get unhealthy food out of the house, or write down everything you will allow yourself to eat the previous day... but dont be too strict.. good luck!!
Control Yourself. Nothings Wrong With Obesity
1.drink more water so that it will make you less hungry
2.exercise daily
3.decrease the amount of food you eat everyday gradually.
the more you eat, the more your stomach expands and asks for more food to fill it.
Good luck!

Can't stop binging?

Okay, all week I will do so well with my diet. ill have very good proportions and eat just enough. But at one point during the week, Ill just binge. I cant stop. I fee; so guilty the rest of the day so ill starve myself, and end up binging again, and not be able to sleep at night, and feel fat the rest of the week. please help
binge on gum or candy mints. Just buy a ton of gum and keep chewing piece after piece. It works for me.
Its worth a shot if nothing else helps.
i feel the same way too but when i think of snacking i think of water and how water can help fill you up
hope this helps
Are you binging on junk? They are high in sugar and dont fill you up. Make sure you are eating enough. 6 medium meals a day will keep your hunger level down. A healthy diet doesnt mean eating less.

Can't lose wieght...any ideas?

I have been working out for several months now after having my second baby...i need to get back in shape so I have been doing both wieght training (I guess really curcuit training) and cardio...I work out about 5 days a week and I have gotten my eating heathier than ever
So here is the problem...i have lost 3+ inches from my waist and not a single pound...while I know that muscle wieghs more than fat, i am still needing to lose wieght as well...using an electronic handheld i am still considered the same BMI that I was before
I need to come up with more ideas because it is very important to me to get in shape as the mother of two little girls I really want them to be active and have heathy body images...
First and foremost, you should be excited that you have lost inches! That's the most important because you have clearly lost fat and are most likely gaining muscle. Don't discourage yourself with the scale or the BMI device. I honestly don't trust any of those devices unless it's a hydrostatic test (underwater). You could have lost 5 lbs of fat and gained 5 lbs of muscle and on the scale it looks no different.How do your clothes fit? Do a mirror check. Track your measurements, not your scale.One of the sites I recommend my students and class members to (I'm a yoga/aerobics instructor) is You can track your eating habits, log your exercise and your weight %26 measurements. It is a wonderful way to lose weight in a healthy manner and to really get an honest picture of what you're actually eating. Most people underestimate how much they are really eating.Also, what do you consider 'healthy eating?' I have friends who believe if the package says "fat free" or "low fat" then it's a good food. Most things that come in packages (i.e. processed) aren't that great for you, no matter what marketing spin is put on it. All the best food for you will be on the outer edge of the grocery store. The worst foods for you are in the middle isles. So my advice to you is:
1. Check your measurements, not your scale
2. Track your food/exercise/measurements on and give yourself a good target goal
3. Try and eat foods that are still in the shape that they were grown in (fresh or frozen fruit/vegetables, lean meats, cheeses, yogurts, etc.)
4. WATER. I can't stress this enough. You gotta flush everything out
5. Sleep. Your muscles need adequate rest to repair themselves and getting enough sleep helps keep your body from over-producing cortisol (the stress hormone that can increase weight-gain). I know you just had a baby so that's probably difficult right now but take naps when you can. Good luck.*Edited to add you can NOT turn fat into muscle or muscle into fat. They are two separate substances entirely. You can only gain or lose them. That's like saying you can turn a chicken into a dog.
I think more details would be helpful...What do you eat? How much? When do you eat it? What do you drink? What kind of weight training do you do? What kind of cardio? For how long?
it's much easier to lose inches than pounds. All this working out could have possibly turned fat into muscle, a lot of fat into muscle, and that is why it's not registering a difference in weight. What is your body mass like? Do you have lots of 'flab' or do you just want to weigh less? It's easier to lose weight the heavier you are...the last 10 pounds could take you months to get off.I suggest going and talking to a dietitian or a fitness instructor.
you have not told us what you have been eating and your idea of eating healthy may not be right .
For a start , cut down on carbs , I find that 2 whites of eggs (without the yolks ) with my morning coffee works well as a breakfast meal hence cutting out "volume " then a good lunch and perhaps a ham sandwich at dinner (or vice versa ),
ie 1 "good/substancial " meal a day .
maybe the intensity isn't there..
you have to mix up your workouts or your body will adapt to your regimin..
do doubles for cardio: 10 miles in 1 hour on the bike in the morning, 10 miles on the bike in the evening. work out in the morning on an empty stomach. Dont go too hard or you'll bypass the fat burn zone and jump into the cardio zone!
congrats on having solid goals.
also my bmi goes from 10.8 to 19.5 in a matter of 24 hours...those things suck! you may have a lower % fat than you think is what I'm getting at.
I think you should invest in a scale that actually measures your body fat. If you've been eating well and exercising like you say, something's gotta be changing inside of you. Even if a weight change isn't registering, your fat ratio most likely is decreasing. Maybe this scale will help to encourage you and prove that you are, in fact, losing fat!
dont look at the BMI - i dont think its important.
look at body fat percentage - thats what really counts.
its better to lose inches than pounds - which means you have gained muscle and your body is burning more calories than before. find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Man, isn't it frustrating kicking your butt..with no results!? I was the same way after I had my twins. I finally found a dvd series that WORKED. It claimed you'd get fit and a 6 pack in 6 weeks. So when my twins were 3 mo I gave it a try...sure enough it worked! I swear by this workout...I have done tons of stuff before, but this was just incredible. I mean a 6 pack after having twins!?!??! Anyway, I was going to paste the link on here, but it's too me for it..good luck!

Cant drop anymore weight?

ok so i started eating eating way different i droped 15lbs i am taking in 1900-2000 calories a day work out about 5 days a week cardio 45 mins ive been on the diet for about 2 months and cant seem to drop anymore whieght whats wrong can my metabolisim be so slow that im only needing something like 1600 a day? im 5.9 and 195lbs large bdy frame
Don't be concerned about not losing the weight. You are building muscle and that is why you do not see the pounds
dropping off, they will. Never mind weighing yourself every day, as a matter of fact once a week is good enough and always weigh the same time of day. You have a terrific work out and you will get results. If you care to contact me we can see what your diet is and go from there.
Be encouraged, I know that scale just seems to draw you to it, but just ignore it for a time. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water a day. About 12 glasses as it flushes out the waste and some fat.
Sounds crazy but INCREASE your calories
you on a platow dont give up .A week or two you will drop more and fast
You say you do cardio but you don't mention any resistence or weights training. Cardio will burn a certain amount of calories but it will not develop much lean muscle. Its the lean muscle that will get you started again. Assuming that there is body fat that you want to lose in amongst that 195lbs.
The best weights and aerobic fitness regime I have seen can be found in the book "Body for Life". You can if you want tinker around with it, by say doing a little more aerobic work than the author suggests, but I really think it will help you.


need to know what is the best dietpill tried alot of different ones need something that will really work
I have been taking fat burners and drinking 5 litres of water a day during the past months and have lost 5 kgs over 4 months. You must also exercise and eat healthily (lots of vegetables and fruits, cut down fats and junk foods).
Diet pills do not work. You probably know this since you have tried lots of different kinds. You'll notice on the package directions, they also tell you to modify your diet and to exercise. That is why people who take them lose weight. Not from the pills, but the diet modification. At best the pills make you jittery and jumpy, at worse they can kill you.(ephedra is on example) The only things that truly works to lose weight is diet and exercise. Sorry kiddo, there is no easy way. I wish there were.

Can/Have you loose/lost any weight on the slim fast diet?

i've done the real slim fast diet and i did loose weight but after I 2 weeks I was hungry and wanted to eat real food not only for dinner. If you want to drop a few pounds its ok but for a long term diet I don;t recommend it.

Can your Period affect your weight?

Just curious, as I am doing a 12 week challenge at my gym to try and lose between 8-10kilos.. well the first week I lost over half a kilo without really trying muchy more than going to a few classes.. the second week I buckled down and was really good with the food that I ate and the portion sizes and attended the gym classes every day... My trainer went to weigh me this morning and he was expecting me to lose atleast another kilo due to the fact I had tried so hard, but I only came to a 0.3kilo loss.. it was a bit disheartning but I had just got my period the day before and was wondering if this may have had an affect on my weight, as I seem to mensturate quiet heavily?? Or maybe I'm just being Impatient with results.. either way I would like to know... Thankyou :)
Hmmm... when I have my period I usually feel/look bloated and look or feel like i weigh more... the week after it's like I shrunk... also I heard/read once that you burn an extra 300 calories if you exercise when you have your period... it's probably not a good idea to weigh urself when you it's "that time of the month"... sorry i know that i didnt help much...
when its that time of the month, you tend to hold water and bloat...weigh yourself again when your period is over and you should see a decrease in weight.
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!

Can your body recover from bad habits (drinking a lot on the weekends, the occassional drug, poor diet)?

I'm 28 and now very conscious that I've been doing harm to myself. Overdoing the Friday night drinking mainly... Over the years too I've had prescriptions for Prozac, Ritalin, Concerta (long ago, I haven't taken them in years). Let me add, I don't have an addiction to alcohol. I just tend to drink until I'm drunk when I go out. If I start making better choices today. Do you think I can recover my body a good bit?
Well, in moderation, the adderal probably won't hurt you too much as long as you aren't abusing it and are taking it under a doctor's orders.As to your other questions, the answer is probably. If you have been doing serious binge drinking, it is possible to have irreprably damaged your liver. That normally takes severe alcoholism to do it by 28, but people vary. However, the body is an amazingly tough organism in a lot of ways. If you cut out drinking, smoking, drugs, and start exercising (slowly), you could very well find yourself in the best shape of your life in a year or two. I'm not sure what symptoms your seeing, or whether "recover your body" means lose weight to reach your old body or whether it means to recover your health, but either way, there is still a good chance to get there if you start changing now. The longer you wait, the worse it will be. You will have a much harder time of it by your early 30s. You'd have a much easier time of it if you were in your early 20s. Age plays a more important factor than many realize.Good luck!
Yes, making better choices now will impact your well-being in the future. Your liver will be happier, and u will hopefully live a longer more enjoyable life....:)
Assuming you don't have cirrhosis of the liver, which is pretty unlikely, then your liver can entirely regenerate itself within thirty days if you take a break from alcohol and other substances that get broken down by the liver such as paracetamol. If severe damage has been done to your liver then it's irreversible, but as said, that's fairly unlikely. I highly recommend taking a break from alcohol though - you'll be amazed how much more energy you have if you eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep and don't overload your body with alcohol. Avoiding smoke-filled environments also makes a significant difference.Good luck with the healthy living.
It is never to late to change your habits to live a healthier life. Some organs can heal themselves over time as long as they are not exposed to the same substance. You must be careful when drinking while on a medication. If you focus on making better decisions and working towards a healthier life, then you are taking a better path for a longer, more enjoyable life. Good luck!
I am sure you can just make better choices.
Most of the harmful effects of drugs, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, etc. are reversible provided that you stop these habits early in life. So do yourself a favor an start right away. It might be difficult at the begining as your body starts to detoxify, and you start acquiring healthy habits, so don't give up.
Hi,I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I dropped another 5 pounds safely. That's why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Good luck!
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!

Can you???

Lose Weight by Using a Scooter or rollerblades?i know you can lose wieght by using a bike, walking, jogging, power walking, running, rollerblading.
Yes you can. Anything that helps you burn more calories than you take in will make you lose weight. One pound of fat is 3500 calories, so if you take your weight x ten thats the amount of calories you have to consume a day to stay at your normal body weight. Anything less and you will lose weight.
Sure...anything is possible.
ya it's just like any other activity

Can you use ketchup and/or mustard on the South Beach diet?

Ketchup has a lot of sugar in it, so no, I don't think so.I don't know about mustard.

Can you train your body to improve by speed training instead of strength training?

I was told that weights slow down your reflexes for sports activity. I believe it does with some people being everyone's body is different. Anyway, you do build strength through speed but not as much as speed through strength anyone find this to be true? I mean if I'm doing lots of sprints I'm building muscle within my speed training so really there's no need to stress strength training in itself am I correct?
sure but you have to increase the time of training not the mass
it might be a good idea to do both strength training and speed or explosive training to stimulate both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers. if your concern is how it will affect sports activity, perhaps you should put your focus on sport-specific exercises.
yes doing agility and speed drills does increase muscle but its a different kind of muscle. depending on what sport you are playing and what position this may be enough but in some cases there are no alternatives to plain old lifting metal which is a much more noticeable and larger gain in muscle mass
Okay, this isn't as easy to answer as you'd like! Muscle is generally comprised of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch is for explosive compression--think of it as lifting weights, acceleration, raw speed and strength. You need these to come off of the line in football, or for rapid acceleration, or for moving heavy objects.Slow twitch is generally more of the endurance type muscle. You can do repetivie motion more easily, such as running for long distances, etc.You need both!Weights definitely do not slow reflexes. However, development of substantial muscle CAN slow you down. Far too many of the muscle-heads get bulked up, and don't stretch enough. They have much shortened (though very strong) tendons and muscles, so rapid movement over a longer range is slowed by the tightness of the muscles and tendons themselves. There is also a question of outright mass--a 240 lb power lifter is just going to be slower over the distance than a 140 lb professional runner.Sprints can do a lot to increase your speed and muscle tone. However, don't throw out weights either. While you may not want to bulk up and have to move additional mass, the additional of fast-twitch muscle from power lifting may be a great advantage in allowing you to accelerate from 0 to full speed faster than you presently can. Races can be won or lost at the starting gate.A good regimen of weights can also speed your ability to develop slow-twitch fibers.I'd recommend some checking some boards on running and fitness specialists and see what they recommend, but I believe most knowledgeable professionals would agree that until you reach your ideal goal weight and strength, weights can definitely assist you in your goals.Additionally, consider some stomach, back and chest exercises. Core strength is also intimately tied up with endurance, injury reduction, and speed.

Can you tell me what has more calories more fattening-?

ham and cheese sandwich or an egg and cheese sandwich. Both with the same type of cheese and bread. I am just looking to know if the ham or the egg would be more fattening. Thanks
Eggs are more fattening than ham.
1 Egg = 4.5 Fat Grams and 70 Calories
Ham (1oz. Slice) = 2.4 Fat Grams and 46 Calories
id say ham and cheese cuz eggs r sumtimes good 4 u
The egg is more fattening!! Only just tho - ham is very low fat!
that reminds of yesterday when i hate sandwhich with ham, cheese, and eggs! mmmmm...

Can you tell me ur waistline, please..??

Mine is 27 inches. To find your waist measurement, you first need to find your natural waistline. Standing in front of a mirror, bend to the side and where you see a crease form is your natural waistline. It is usually slightly aboe the belly button. You don't hold your stomach in, just breathe normally and take the measurement without pulling the tape measure too tightly.HTH : )
Do you know where your waistline is? Did you know that your REAL waistline you should be measuring for your health is your waist while you are sucking in? That's because if you suck in, then you are just measuring STUFF, not AIR, and you can keep track waaaaay more accurately of the fat and when you lose weight!
I think mine is like 32.
the healthy waist size for females is 32" and lower. to measure ur waist line use a tapemeasurer and wrap it around the area of your belly button and suck inyour weight has nothing to do with your waistline so dont worry that you are over weight if u have a larger waist linemy waist line is 19"

Can you tell me of a wat to lose 10-15 lbs in about 2-3 months?

i need to lose weight like right away!!
and please don't say that lipo is a way because i can't afford it. please help me out!
i'm gonna go on vacation and i need to look great for the swimming pool!
PLEASE HELP ME! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Go on the rice-cake and water diet. I guess you can have those fancy new drinks with the fake sugar that have no calories. If you are really desparate, you can dehydrate yourself but that isn't very safe.
phentermiene. This is the legal half of phen phen. I took it for 4 months and lost 40 pounds. (i put 15 back on in a year though, french fries and ice cream will do that). The pills do not work alone though. I had to go on a high protein low carb diet, and work out for 20 minutes 3 times a week. My cousin, friend, cousin n law, all took it as well. They lost the a tone of weight as well
my sis. went on weight watchers and all she ate was salad, for lunch n dinner, n watch portions for breakfast, no soda drink alot of water n see lost 6 pounds in 1 week, for snacks she had 100 calorie snacks, n there is alot of variety's

Can you tell me my height and weight in pound/lbs and feet please??

how do you height is 1.71m and my weigh is 70 you think I麓m overweigth BTW I think a little bit...
You are 5' 7" and 154 pounds. Your Body Mass Index is 24.1Underweight = %26lt;18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Love your body! You're not overweight. You're perfect the way you are. :)
i think you should have 52-56 kilos for you're height.
but this will help you calculate:
Oh you are very healthy, provided you have muscle on your body.check out this BMI calc through the BBC.uses metric. Keep up a good diet (small meals throughout the day) and exercise to keep up muscle tone.
That's not really overweight. If you feel you want to lose weight don't go to crazy, you just might need some toning exercises instead of dieting. It helps tighten up any loose areas that you don't like.
A meter is approximately 39.37". Multiply 1.71 X 39.37, and you get 67.33", which is 5'7 1/3". There are approximately 2.2 pounds per kilo, so multiply that by 70, and you get 154 lb. You might be a bit overweight for your height, but not much. A little bike riding should fix you right up.
Well you weigh 154lbs.
Your height is 5'6 ft.
Depending on weither you are male or female and depending on your age you can figure out your BMI ( Body Mass Index), you then take that number and plot it on a chart and it tells you weither or not you are underweight, average, or overweight, and compare yourself to other women.
Your weight is 2.2 lbs.times 70 kg, or 154 lbs. your height is approximately 39" times 1.71m. A kilogram is 2.2 lbs and a meter is APPROXIMATELY 39 in. If you need this info for something at school ,I recommend you find out the exact length of a meter and multiply by 1.71(your height in meters). Otherwise you could weigh yourself on a scale, and measure your height with a ruler or a tape measure.

Can you tell me if this sounds like a good weight loss program?

Monday- 45 minutes cardio, arms.
Tuesday- 45 minutes cardio, legs.
Thursday-45 minutes cardio, arms.
Friday-45 minutes cardio, legs.
Saturday- step class and then pump class.1.5 hours.
I'm watching my calories I'm not eating less than 1,200 and no more than 1,500. I'm eating 3 meals %26 2 snacks (which are usually a pudding, fruit, etc.) I also sit in the steam room for 15 minutes a day.
it sounds good.
i dont know your stats but my guess is - stick more to 1500cal a day because 1200cal is the lowest number somebody with a REALLY petite frame could do. (body needs 50cal/hour for functioning (like in coma) so thats 1200cal a day for somebody who is up to 150lbs)
you are on the right track, good for you and keep it up!!
Sounds good.
It's hard to tell. Resistance training is better for losing weight because you build muscle which burns more calories.Also, if you resistance train, then do 30 minutes of cardio, your metabolism will remain much higher for much longer during the day. The steam room really doesn't do anything to help you lose weight. Forget about counting calories, just eat the good foods and avoid the bad. Read Dr. Oz book "You on a diet" and take a common sense approach to it all.
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

Can you take laxatives and stool softeners and diet supplements all at the same time?

Stop using laxatives to lose weight. Go see a doctor. You are clearly harboring and eating disorder. You don't need that crap unless you are constipated. And even then, you shoudnt take it all the time! stop being such a weirdo and get on a HEALTHY diet and exercise sometimes.
No. VERY UNHEALTHY. Have you ever read about Karen Carpenter?
Read this:
If you want to severely dehydrate yourself, go right ahead. But if you want to lose weight safely, effectively, and healthily, DON'T do it.
No...laxative is going to force your diet supplements to come out right away.
What the heck. Why would you want to do that? Yes, you can but why? The dietary supplements aren't going to have a chance to be of benefit. Get off the laxatives.
that's how people end up in the hospital.
Hi there,Please be very careful with the laxatives. I used to work in a nursing home. We had one resident who no longer had the ability to void her bowel on her own due to a lifetime of laxative abuse. She was only in her early sixties. The bowel is a muscular tube that needs the exercise it gets when you, well, poop. Laxtive abuse will cause the muscle to lose it tone. And, it's not like they have machine at the local gym to execise that particular muscle group. What this translates into is that you may end up in a situation where you are either constanty constipated, or you need to wear adult diapers all the time because you can't hold it in. Or, a mix of the two. A nasty situation either way. And you won't smell very if your aim is to be more attractive, smelling bad is not the way to do it.You only get issued one body in this lifetime. Take good care of the one you've got.

Can you suggest a free website for daily calorie tracking?

I can't tell how many calories an apple has or some cheese so do you know of a website where you can type in what you've eaten in a day and it totals and tracks it for you? I'd rather do this for free also. Thanks.
Oh, I know a good one! brb
Here is another one too:
but wait for the other one, it's really good!Okay, the good one is
That site lets you PICK THE ACTUAL FOOD that you ate that day. It's really good, go sign up!
The comprehensive examination covers the field of study as determined by the department
and are developed and administered within the department.
One of the BEST is Just like ediets only FREE. It's fricking awesome. is great
This one was pretty good, and had more than a counter to offer.

Can you still be very thin and have curves?

People are always telling me that I'm skinny, but I think that I have curves.
Yes, you can. As a matter of fact, the curves look better when you are thinner b/c they are more defined. The fatter you get, the more they turn into bulges instead.Trust me, I know.
Even if you are very thin, If you have a smaller waist in comparison to your bust/hips, then yes.You can also be very big and have curves. Curviness is about proportions, not size. HTH : )

Can you sell your body fat?

im doing a report on stem cell research and for an attention grabber i want to know if you can sell your body fat because the whole thought of money would prolly get my classmates attention. so can you sell you stem cell filled body fat? the report is due thursday
Smart. NO. =p
um ew i dont think u can
Didn't Homer Simpson sell his to Crusty Burger? All I know for certain is that you wouldn't be able to sell it on Ebay, they have rules against things like that. (Maybe you can grow a clone and sell it as a slave or something?)
I'd be rich if you could!!
I hope you wouldn't but i actually think you can for anorexic patients and patients that need it
I dont think they would pay much for it. The useful stuff they want for research is embryos and sometimes umbilical chords.

Can you recommend some alternatives to protein shakes?

I eat meat, but I'm really not big on it...yet I would still like to get 30 mg of protein after my work out and with dinner. I know I can have protein shakes for this - but does that mean buying one of those $80 buckets of whey or some other arm-and-leg item from GNC?Any alternatives to shakes and meats? Peanut butter? Although I image the carbs/fat/calories in that might undo the effects of the protein.I want something to supplement my diet, I don't want to have to worry about planning my meal to include protein everyday...I'm awful at counting everything out. Some sort of supplement would be great. Heck, I'll eat a pound of nuts or peanut butter if I could!
the white of egg, skimmed milk, Soyabean, chicken breast, Tuna steak , chick peas, all that are very rich in whey protein , even more than beef
Whey protein is the name for a collection of globular proteins that can be isolated from whey, a by-product of cheese manufactured from cow's milk. As You see they produce the whey protein like that ,, and sold it as a nutritional u can drink the skimmed milk (very low in fat ) or the white of the egg which consists mainly of about 10% proteins dissolved in waterChickpeas are a good source of zinc and protein.They are also very high in dietary fiber and thus are a healthy food source, especially as a source of carbohydrates for persons with insulin sensitivity or diabetes. They are low in fat, and most of the fat content is monounsaturated.Tuna steak is very rich in protien and very low in fat as well ...PS : let me recommend also The cottage cheese and its pressed ones ,,Cottage cheese is a favorite food among bodybuilders for its high content of casein protein while being relatively low in fat. Tuna steak in water : per 100g :27g protein , ,0.5g Fat, Carb.: trace , energy 113kcal/100g ,, better than meat, better even than a protein bar
Protein Bars, chicken, fish...and other things high in protein i guess.

Can you recommend any websites that give pilates and/or yoga "workouts" in written and/or video/picture form?

Last year, I did pilates twice a week and yoga once a week for about 6 months. After my stepmom and dad divorced, we didn't have the money for a gym membership anymore. I don't really want to buy pilates/yoga videos, but I would like to get back into it because they both made me feel really good.I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could recommend some websites that either give written instructions for various yoga or pilates poses (I remember many but would like to make sure I do them correctly) and if there are any websites with instructional videos or pictures, that would be good too.I've done some searching and couldn't seem to find anything. :-( I didn't know if someone maybe already has some they use...
Answer: under workouts... you can find workouts for specific body parts and you can print them out in booklet form... Hope this helps :-)
Try our web site we have some yoga links which give details on yoga workouts

Can you recommend a vegetarian diet for an 82 year old with chronic irritable bowel syndrome?

You need a high fibre diet eating at least 5 fruit and vegetables a day.
Avoid spicy foods and coffee as these irritate your gut
6-8 glasses of water a day
reduce alchohol intake
No carbonated drinks
Peppermint tea
Multivitamins and minerals
You may be able to take buscoan which relieves cramps but you have to ask your doctor.
Natural yogurt without sugar
Tofu, nuts
As we get older we lose the capacity to digest the food, I did an experiment with my self, you may try it TRY BABY FOOD WITH ALL THE MINERALS AND VEGETABLES,. It worked for me.

Can you recommend a running routine.?

I am 48 yrs old and used to run about 20 yrs ago. I could do 3 miles in 18 minutes. I could usually run 5 to 10 miles. I have not ran in awhile, but I would love to get back into it. Any suggestions?
I started running again after 20+ years of not running when I turned 48. Now I am turning 50 and still going strong. First, congrats on wanting to run again, I appluad the fact that you want to get back into shape.First do not have any expectations of seeing 3 miles in 18 minutes. After 20 years that may not be a realistic goal at this point. But certainly running 5 - 10 miles is not out of the question, I run up to 20 miles during the week. A great book is John Stanton's Running Room Book on Running. You can order at its a great book and has lots of useful information from the beginner runner and up. Since you have not run in a while I would suggest that you start from the very beginning and progress from there. It was really quite amazing how fast your body adapts back to running it remembers running you just have to wake it back up.Before thinking about any 5 + mile runs the goal is to work up to 30 minutes of continuous running this should give you around a 3 mile run. Depending on how you feel the day after you can run up to 5x per week, never running more then two days in a row for the first while.I recommend a run/walk technique we teach at the Running room. This is what we use at the Learn to Run clinic, which I lead the runs on saturday morning.week 1 - 1 min. walk; 1x only
1 min. run + 2 min walk 6x
2 min walk 1xWeek 2 - 1min walk 1x only
1 min run + 1 min walk 9x
1min walk 1x onlyweek 3 1 min walk 1x only
2 min run + 1 min walk 6x
1 min run 1x.Etc... working to the point where you can run 2x 10 minutes sets of running with 1 minute walking. After that set a goal, 5K race is agreat goal, but first you have to run/walk before you run/run.Harry
Slowly. There are many good books also to help you. If you can find a running club in your area they can always help and give you the support you need. Just dont push your self to hard to soon.
take it step by step. start wit 1 km or 2 km ++ (ur preference) per dae. den increase it every day or every two days. or even every week. buy proper running shoes or ur leg might ache easily or blisters will appear! wear lite and airy shirt too :D
tc. good luck. u cud buy a pedometer too, to track hw many steps u ran.pop on ur mp3 and off u go :)

Can you recommend a healthy diet?

I am really underwieght and live a very unhealthy lifestyle. I eat a lot of fast food, smoke heavily and binge drink most weekends. Knowing nothing about healthy living yet wanting to change my life style I need to know what meals to eat and what types of food are the best. Should I eat cereal for breakfast or go with toast and fruit? I have no idea, please help.And I know it's probably a moronic question so please don't ridicule me too much.
you are to be commended for wanting to make yourself healthier. don't put yourself down. use these sites to change your diet. start by changing one bad habit at a time. when you don't have to struggle with that habit, change another. don't try to do it all at once or you'll get discouraged fast.
good luck!
has your common-sense broken?anyway, see links below.
advice for free with no ridicule involved.
Basically keep of the fast food! If you have to cook it from scratch it is somewhat healthy, lean meat and fish, fruit and veg, grains, potatoes pasta rice but all in moderation! Try drinking wine if you need to have a bit of luxury but dont binge drink! good luck!
Firstly, Cut out on all 'white' foods and eat wholegrains instead such as wholemeal bread %26 pasta, brown rice and oats (porridge is a great way to start the day as it's really filling. Try it mixed with a chopped/mashed banana or some berry fruits. Beware some so-called healthy brand-name cereals as many of them are actually quite high in sugar with any vitamins added in artificially. Check the ingredients on the back of the packet; the less there are the healthier it is i.e. Shredded Wheat is literally just wholewheat).There's no one ideal breakfast. The following are all good:
- Healthy cereal i.e. muesli, weetabix, porridge.
- Wholemeal toast with fruit or topped with baked beans
- Fruit salad %26 yoghurt
- Fruit smoothieAlways make sure that you have 3 main meals everyday. It's also important to snack heathily and reguarly as it keeps your energy levels high and also means that you never go hungry. Things like fruit and nuts. Also cut out any junk like fizzy drinks and fried foods in particular because of their high saturated fat content. Cheddar cheese is also quite high in saturated fat but does contain some health benefits so should still be alright in moderation. You could occasionally treat yourself to it grilled on toast for example.Good Luck.

Can you recommend a "tried and tested" water retention tablet?

I starting a diet and read somewhere that they can help weight loss.
Diuretics will only help you lose weight if, for some reason, you are actually retaining fluid and if this is so, you could ask the GP for advice, rather than buying tablets, which you may not need. The most effective and most healthy method of discouraging water retention is to drink more water - a glass every hour, if you can manage it. It encourages your kidneys to function more efficiently, and this will clear your system of excess fluid. It also hydrates the body and, as a bonus, you will have improved skin condition - softer and clearer.
they work but you are only losing fluid not fat. Aquaban is good or water balance.
No they won't help at all, which erudite medical journal did you find this, Woman's Own? If something makes you pee more, guess what you get thirsty and drink more!However without wishing to seem impolite Type ' weight loss ' into the search for questions box and you will see the answers to the 20 questions like yours that clutter ' Answers ' every day, together with their standard answers.
Type in 鈥楢nswers swamped with weight loss questions!?鈥?to see what regular contributors think.I will cut and paste my stock answer, however it is interesting to see how close this is ( I have been using it for over 2 months), to a recent paper from University of California. They did a meta-analysis of all the work on weight loss over the past few years. ( summary) It showed that 2/3 of people who diet yo-yo to a higher weight, none of the faddy diets of diet pills work and that rapid weight loss doubles heart attack risk!They seemed to suggest the only hope was modest calorie reduction + EXERCISE.This is a news report of the article: have to admit I have a 'stock' answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every day!Type 'guaranteed weight loss' into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites!Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight?We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don't do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don't use them up!Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg.Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%?I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch!No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way.

Can you really get rid of or at least eliminate cellulite through diet and exercise?

And if you can, what kind of diet and exercise? I am desperate, I am really slim,(43 kilos) but have tons of cellulite on my butt and backs of thighs. Every diet says to lose fat to eliminate cellulite, but i really don't want to get any skinnier. What can I do?
The only way to eliminate cellulite is through weigh training. The more lean muscle you have on the body the firmer your skin will appear to be. Take a look at anybody who lifts weights regularly. You don't need to bulk up like the bodybuilders just try doing some light resistance training 2 or 3 times a week on alternate days.Go to for some good exercises.You also need to watch what you eat by following a healthy balanced eating plan. If you overweight resistance training alone will not help to eliminate cellulite until you get rid of the excess fat through proper nutrition and a combination of resistance and cardio training.
Hi... I have that problem too. Im not skinny my self but im not partically over weight either but i do suffer with cellulite. I have done many exercises but its always still there. I was looking on the net today and found Herbal life formula 3 Tablets. I have no idea if they work but why take a look and see what you think. Im thinking about it myself. I have heard a lot of good reviews about Herbal life. Hope this helps Ann x
43 kilos is REALLY light. If you are over 5 foot tall then you could probably use to gain a couple of kgs just to stay healthy : ) Sometimes if you are quite a light weight you can develop cellulite, which really just excess skin that you need to fill in. But there are creams out there that treat cellulite, not sure of what they are called but you could always ask a pharmacist about them.
Good Luck : )

Can you really fast for 40 days?

I tried to fast yesterday and I couldn't even get passed lunchtime. How did Jesus do it? Is it possible?
Possible? Yes.Advisable? Probably not.
Yes, you could. But you need to ease yourself into it. And I wouldn't reccommend it to you unless you have an amazing excuse.
yes, a couple of pastors I know did it. they lost weight and drank water and fruit juices however. Troy, one of the pastors lost a lot of weight. It's a spiritual discipline.
also, Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ said he fasted 40 days a couple of times.
I fasted once for three days.
you need an overwhelming faith,it can be possible.need water.and tghe power of god.

Can you ppl give me some suggestion on what ...?

i should eat to gain 5 pounds of healhty weight.i want to convert it into muscle weight,so No fat food!.i already take protein shakes,so what else is great?i already lift light weights i just wanna gain weight fat food plz
Eat whatever you like that provides you with a natural source of nutrients. Fruits, veggies, complex carbs, and some fats. There are plenty of choices out there. You have to do the research and figure out what foods are best for you.
Go to GNC and pick up a bottle of Weigh Gainer. That will do that trick.

Can you please give me an opinion?

My parents won't let me go jogging inless I eat atleast 1600 calories.
But i'm afraid this is too much and will make me gain weight.
When I go jogging I normally run a mile then walk and mile.
Do you think this is too many calories for a 14-year-old who is 5 foot tall and 74 pounds?
1600 calories is definately not too much, especially if you are exercising as much as you say you are. That would only be too much if you sat around playing video games or only rerading or something like that... Calories are also known as energy, and you need to burn something in order to do these things, when you run out of calories your body burns muscle... and that's not what you want.
1600 calories is not too much, you should be fine unless you've got a VERY slow metabolism.
No, do as your parents say, if you have too little calories in your system when you go jogging you may get light headed and pass out!
Uhm, do you have an eating disorder? You are underweight and 1600 is NOT that much. I eat 1000 more than that to mantain my weight while just doing a few squats a day. I'm 5"4 and 110...

Can you please give me a list of foods that can eat on a high protein low carb diet?

I'm starting a high protein diet,not as extreme as the Atkins. What are the food a can and cannot eat?
Does anybody have any good recipes? If so please tell! I want to fix things that are simple,I still have to cook other food do the rest of my family.
chicken, beef, turkey, ham, cheese (lowfat etc),all vegetables, basically what the cavemen ate, vegetables and meat.
Skinless chicken, tuna (packed in water, not oil), lean steak (or other meat), tofu, peanut butter, and egg whites

Can you Please encourage me to have a better atitude towards working out in the gym?

Ok, i just got back from football training at the gym and boy! did it SUCK! i know its good for me and will make me better in sports, but sometimes its just so hard. when i think about going to going to workout i think "Damn,this is going to suck.again" i dont want that type of outlook on it, i only want positive thoughts. can you Please encourage me to keep it up and that its making me better and stronger? Thanks
Think of it as time for yourself, use the time to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand. Allow your self to get into it and enjoy the endorphins and adrenaline that are running through your body. Let your mind wander and get rid of all of the negative feelings. Its hard but it can be done. If all else fails think of the first really great thing that you accomplished by your self and how it made you feel. It takes about 30 days to change a mind set and it can be done.
What year do you graduate? I will bet on you in the draft!!!
Good thoughts, an good luck!
Write down your goals of why you want to lose weight. When you focus on the end results - looks good, feel good, great body, healthy mentally, you imagine what it feels like to have achieved those goals. Losing weight is about empowering yourself and that you can do it cos you are strong.For more tips, get them here
The attitude being internal, it should come to you only. Strong decision taking capacity. I feel you have that. Plan well and decide. But if you take a decision once, you should not change it , very often. Particularly, in your case. Other wise, all workouts done at a Gym get wasted. I, support you morally, as you can do it. I am also sure you will do, with your strong will power. Good luck.

Can you offer solution for a sports bra that will provide firm, no bounce support for large breasts?

This is a serious, painful problem. I need to cup size DD to be held in place during strenuous exercise.
I have the same problem. I went to get fitted for a sports bra, it's differant to a normal bra fitting, I'm a bigger cup but smaller size. As well as this I use a simple crop top or inbuilt bra, or if your really worried, both. I rise horses and run with this, so you should be right!
I'm sorry honey but DD's are very prone to bouncing and there is little you can do to prevent this unless you want to resort to tying bandages around your body concealed under your brassiere
I had huge breasts (J cup, had a reduction to a C cup Feb 2006) and it was a pain for me to find a good supportive bra in my cup size.What you could do is get properly sized at Nordstroms or JCPenney (not victoria secret), and find a good bra. Then go and find a sports bra in that size.There are some good ones out there, I forget the brand name, but I found them in Target.You might want to also double up on bras (regular bra underneath a sports bra) so they don't bounce like crazy.

Can you name at least 4 specific things that would motivate me to achive my goals to improve my fitness level?

Can you name at least 4 specific things that would motivate me to achive my goals to improve my muscular strength and endurance,cardiovascular endurance and loosing weight?
Whats motivate you differ from people to people you should only know the answer to these question. How about ask yourself, grab deep inside of you, make a list, and wait few days to take a look at your list again.
ask yr doc
Only you can do that and you just did.

Can you mix protein shakes by the gallon?

Instead of one by one and just shake up the container in the morning before drinking.
I suppose it might make a difference depending on what type you have. But in my own experience I've noticed that if I mix up a shake in the morning it's a lot thicker by the time I finally drink it later in the day.

Can you lose wieght from eating more regularly and healthy if you had a eating disorder like anorexia?

i belive ive heard it from my father i would greatly appreciae it if you could back up an answer from a meciacal report or journal etc.
eating healthy and eating the right amounts and exercising in moderation will help you lose weight. If you are an anorexic, or have been treated in the past for anorexia, then I would strongly suggest that you contact a registered dietician or a nutritionist that has experience with eating disorders to help you with a weight loss/fitness strategy since people that suffer from eating disorders are more prone to carry dieting/exercise to an extreme. I did search the internet but could not find any medical journals to help you out. Best bet would be to talk with your doctor and have them recommend a registered dietician or nutritionist or even someone that works with people with eating disorders to help you find the program that is best suited to you.

Can you lose weight while taking creatine?

my summer workout is gonna consist of cardio and wieght training with creatine, i was wondering if i can lose weight and body fat while takin creatine.
Creatine is anti-catabolic. That is, it prevents loss of muscle mass when you're losing weight. It won't slow down your weight loss, any -- in other words, if you're on creatine while during a "cutting" or "fat loss" phase of your workout plan, you'll actually lose more fat and less muscle! Creatine is an *excellent* supplement to use during this kind of training.Remember to keep hitting the weights hard! Creatine will also increase ATP storage in the muscles, which can give you the extra energy to push out that last rep. If you keep giving it all you have, eating healthy and clean foods with plenty of protein and healthy fats, and watching how much you take in vs. how much you burn, you'll have a very successful fat loss this summer!
Creatine is an energy booster. It will help you with your cardio in turn burning more calories and losing weight.

Can you lose weight in your face?

Yes!If u want to lose weight
There are some ideas for losing weight
Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it 鈥?and many would be better off staying where they are. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone else.So what should you do about weight control?Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian. He or she can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.
You can get the losing weight in site:
It give you more information.---------IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT FASTER-----------
I can commend you a great ebook -- Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle!There is a book "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle".
It is a book for trun fat to muscle. It is healthy method.
It can make you losing weight and it is strong!
you can get it from
yes =usually it is the first place one notices the loss
Eat less and sleep less. Not the healthiest of suggestions but it works.
Yes by generally losing weight. You can't spot reduce so losing fat in a particular area isn't going to happen.Hope that helps.
Of course, There are permanent fat deposits especially around the eyes that once lost never really come back. That is why people who have been starved always show it.

Can you lose weight from eating just this?

eggs/hard boiled eggs.
hotdogs without the bun.
Salad-no croutons.
Maybe coffee somethimes.
I know this doesn't sound that great, but If I did this would I start to lose it quick?
these ppl are wrong!
that a little like the atkins, no fruit tho.YES U CAN LOSE WEIGHT FROM THIS.i've done this b4.
go for it but add exercise daily.
probably not. this does cover basically the whole food pyramid...but you need variety. and the most important thing isnt what you eat, but how much. serving sizes are actually much smaller than you might think. for example, any type of meat you eat should be the size of the palm of your hand. look up serving sizes and stick to those while eating out of every food group. this will help you lose weight.
no, you dont have enough veriety in your foods, your also not exercising. Trust me thats the best way to lose weight, exercise. but a healthy food choice helps. you have too much meat and alternatives in your diet, try more fruits and vegtables, hot dogs are nothing but somthing that tastes good, it wont give u any energy. Eat alot of fresh fruit, and mix it up-ashley
just do what I do.. I recommend it to everyone..
Fruit bowl in the morning (really big fruit bowl with cut up fruit).
4 hours later a banana and a few nuts... but jsut a few.
then lunch salad with either tuna or chicken.. at 5 have another salad or just fruit.
I lost weight ...
I also exercised every morning for 20 min .. afternoon danced in my room for who knows how long and b4 goin to bed exercise 15 min.
good luck...
alos what helps A LOT and ppl dont really notice it is...
Get up for every tiny little thing..
clean up the house, get a glass of water for someone.. bring a books upstairs one at a then u go up the stairs more often!!
stuff like that..
ure moving. ure losing calories. its a fact

Can you lose weight by?

walking 3 days a week cause it seems so cause iI'v been walking last week for 3 days and I'v noticed a difference tryin to lose weight.
u can lose weight by walking no doubt in that.
u have to walk 45 minutes daily if possible for u if not daily
than 3 weeks initially will do.
but brisk walking.
keep going.
i walk 10 kms daily i find the difference.
diet also u have to watch.
no oilly food
Depends on your caloric intake, your diet in general, and how far you walk so you can calculate how many calories you burn.
Basically, if you expend more calories by exercise, such as walking, than you take in by eating, you will lose weight.Brisk walking is also weight bearing which is good for improving bone density so you don't get osteoporosis.If you are serious about losing weight then also reduce portion size rather than not allowing yourself food you enjoy. Most people do not realise how little a portion of protein should be - or other foods as well.If you have a lot of weight to lose and you have been trying to lose it for a long time then there may be emotional issues involved as well. You can use energy therapy like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help with the emotional causes of being over-weight and you can find out more from the sites below.
According to this article (Walking For Health, Be Good To Your Heart) If you walk on mile you can burn about 100kcal. Walking will alter the way your metabolism works burning up fat first which will help you loose weight, read more here : nice article on exercise and lose weight : this helps.
to get some noticable change you need to do cardio 4-6 times a week for 30-50min and combine it with light weight training. find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
you can lose weight as you like. please check the following website

Can you lose weight by drinking alot of water?

Can you loose weight by drinking alot of water? What are some kind of cheap ways of losing weight without all this working out and diet junk... Maybe a walk around the block twice a day?
Plenty of water is an excellent start.Walking a few miles a day is another great idea.Best of luck to you,
drinking water assists your body in flushing toxins, and maintaining hydration for efficient metabolism. It also gives a feeling of fullness so you tend not to feel as hungry all the time. In this manner it assists in weight loss. But controlling your diet and regular daily exercise (walking is excellent) are truly the only ways to lose weight effectively and keep it off. So the diet and exercise thing isn't JUNK, it's the truth.
Water will certainly help, especially if you currently drink a lot of soda and sugary latt茅s. Nix soda and drink only water. Add lemon if you get bored. As much as you don't want to hear it, eating the right foods and exercise are the only way to have a healthy life. Walking the block is a great start.
No, there used to be a "water diet"... everyone went around drinking tons of water all day and evenings... no one lost weight. The only way to loose weight is through diet and exercise.. a couple of walks around the block will not produce results.
No - but drinking a large glass of water before each mean will help you feel fuller more quickly! Cheap ways of dieting are simply eating less processed food, loads of fresh ( and cheap) fruit and veg, balancing your diet properly and avoiding fatty ( and expensive) cakes, sweets, biscuits etc! Walking is a good start, but try to build up gradually to a jog around the block a couple of times a day, drive less, walk more, take the stairs, not the lift, etc! Its actually fun to do this, leaves less of a carbon footprint, and is good for you!!
Good luck!
yes i think its called the detox diet. go here for more info,
You should drink no more than a 2 liter bottle of water per day. Portion control (like a 1/2 cup of veggies) a piece of meat the size of your hand, limit eating out but if you do eat at Wendy's, less fat. Walking is excellent but around the block doesn't get your heart pumping. Also get a pilates DVD and do it. It will tighten up all your muscles. Pilates is just a little bit more active than yoga.
Here is a simple way to lose weight - the only way to lose weight, in fact. Burn more calories than you eat, or to put it another way, eat fewer calories than you burn.It is that simple. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will get fat. Plain and simple. So, eat less or work harder. There is no way around it.I drink 48 to 64 ounces of pure water everyday. It flushes out fat and toxins. Muscles need water. It can make you feel less hungry. If you are usually dehydrated, you body may try to retain water, so staying hydrated will help you lose water weight.
Only one way to lose weight: spend more calories than you take in. It's mathematical.Drinking water may assist you if, for example, you take a resolution to drink a glass of water each time you are hungry outside of meals. Water = 0 calorie, so you're not doing any harm there.You may diet without the work-out, but that may lead to loss of muscle mass and lower metabolism, which will lead to fast weight gain once you quit the diet, and that weight gain may be superior to what you lost.95% of diets uterly fail, with weight regain within one year. The only way to success is a total change of life habits. Its even better to lose the weight that way, as it is easier on your body (skin... ect), on your mood (and on your friends ;-).There are medication to cut off hunger, but all of them have horrific side-effects, and may be life-endangering. I'm afraid hard work, and your will, are the main tools here. The most difficult time is at the first month or so. After that, it gets easy and natural. And the walk is a nice way to exercise too. Nothing more complicated than that is necessary. So if you dont like the gym, just dont go. I dont like it either, and I go running outside instead.
I think drinking water is good for you as it is good for your skin and your digestive system. It helps clean everything out.
Some people drink water before they eat because that way you feel full and are not tempted to eat as much.
You have to be careful to watch your salt intake as well as drinking water as salt retains water in your body.
There are a lot of very faddy diets about which promote fast weight loss but the weight piles back on again straight afterwards and your body can go into starvation mode and actually hang on to fat instead of burning it. I think a healthy balanced diet and exercise are better. Walking is one of the best things you can do. It helps you to feel happy, keeps your heart healthy, it costs nothing and you can fit it in when you want.About your question concerning exercise. I bought i pedometer and do 10,000 steps a day this is supposed to be enough to keep you healthy. I increased my general activity by walking instead of going on the bus and carrying my shopping back on foot and using stairs instead of lifts and it is surprising how it all mounts up.I also recently got a get active guide from the checkout at tesco. It is full of diet and health tips. I am playing frisbee and going swimming at the moment as it is important to do something you enjoy so you keep the activity up.
There is also a chart in it on which you can watch your progress.

Can you Lose body weight without losing your chest?

yes you can, but not if you are obsese or have an overly large amount of body fat. i went from 20% to 17% and didn't lose any in my chest and i wear a 32DD
Yes but work out. If you only diet then you will lose fat and your body doesn't know where you want to lose weight. If you work out you will target certain spots on your body.

Can you lose 6-8% bodyfat in 10 weeks?

My BMI is 16 and I want it to be 10 or 8 so I can get a nice, rock hard six pack. I eat a great diet and exercise/lift weights a ton. Can I get a rock hard six pack in 10 weeks?
you mention both the BMI and body fat percentage. they are not interchangeable and represent 2 totally different your BMI 16 or is your body fat 16%?
Yes you can loose that much in that amount of time. I know of someone who did around somehing like that.
All I can say is I hope you are a guy and not a girl. And I think you meant your body fat percentage is 16% and not your BMI is 16!I don't know if that is realistic, probably not. You can't rush fat loss and it takes time to gain muscle. Just be patient and you will see results.HTH : )

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you lose 20lbs in 30 days with exercise and strict diet?

i need to losee 20 ilbs. im watching what i eat and im drinking water. i am also working out every day for an hour cansomeone give me any tips that wiwll help me with my workout.
Yes I lost 15lbs in a little over 2 weeks. 5lbs a week is more than safe and it will take a while for you to gain it back. Drink only water kick soda tea any drink with sugar, even milk if you can. I ate atleast 2 meals a day but healthy meals, no junk food of course, nothing overly greasy, fish is probably the best meat on earth for losing weight.For your workout do cardio nothing but cardio, swimming is great but I found better results playing tennis. Just exercise HARD if you ride a bike ride it HARD for an hour.A low carb diet is a great diet in general and for body building but not that effective for cardio based exercising.
You can't lose 20 lbs in 30 days. At least not in a healthy way. 2 pounds per week is the ideal. Quick weight loss = VERY easy to gain back.
i wouldn't recommend trying to lose weight that fast. I don't think anyone else would either.
Most of it will be water weight which u will gain back when u drink water,
nd if u wanna lose weight u hav to switch up ur calorie intake so ur metalbolism can change nd strt eatin up body fat after it burns up ur calories
cut down on grains and cereals (rice, bread etc,) potatoes
you can lose 20lb in 30 days. I did, I went low-carb, I made it personalized for me, And went for walks every day for about 40minutes. I drank water, and maybe a diet soda once in a while. The first week was hard, but after i realized I lost weight it gave me motivation. Good Luck.
i did it before, i actually did it in 3 weeks (but i pretty much stared) just make sure you still eat healthy and exercise when you hit your goal weight. i stayed the same. good luck
if there is a swimming pool near your house, swim for like 30 mins. because when you swim you use almost every part of your muscle. also running uphill works out a lot of ur leg muscle and makes you run faster.
Yes. Avoid ALL snacks, juices, and soft drinks. I lost 20 pounds in about a month just by switching to green tea (without the sugar, and creamer that I put in coffee) and eating only once a day. Most diets DONT recommend this, but it worked for me.

Can you lose 16 pounds in 30 days?

and if u alot of salad can you lose weight?
Yep salad, Gym (weights %26 Cardio) lean muscle burnes more calories. Running is also good. Ephredine also can help but at your own risk!!Be carefull. Remember you are beautiful. Dont feel you have 2 loose weight!
eat nothing and run like an ethiopian everyday
If you lose 16 pounds in 30 days, there is something wrong with you. At most, you should be able to lose half that amount in 30 days. 2 pounds max a week is about right. 16 pounds in 30 days is seriously unhealthy. Eating salad isn't going to make you lose weight. If you eat a ton of salad with fatty dressings filled with things with lots of calories and just sit around all day, you might gain weight. You've got to exercise and keep your calories down. Get your heart moving. Do cardio. Do some weight lifting or resistance exercises. Eat healthy low calorie salad, but don't neglect other foods with the vitamins and nutrients you need.
10 lbs would be good.
It wouldn't be too much to soon.
no you can not because what happened if you loose weight to fast you will gain back fast. the average healthy weight loose is 1 to 2 pounds a week and by just eating saled you are starving your body. yes saled is good for you but it's just not enough nutrition for your body. for my self i lost 16 pounds in three months at a healthy way. don't do any of those fad diets thay just don't work.
can it be done - yes
should it be done - no unless you are highly overweight and watched very carefully by a doctor and physical trainer. personally I've lost 13 pounds in 2 and a half weeks but that was when I weighed over 260lbs on and should only weigh for my height roughly 150

Can you loose weight walking?

I hate to run it hurts my knee. Is it possible to loose weight ( just as much) with walking? ( diet included) I heard you only burn fat while running .
Walking definitely works as well as running. Running is just fast and you spend less time doing the required exercise. I found that running was way too painful for me, but I get great benefits from walking. So do the rest of the ladies in our walking group, all of them look so much better than they did when we first began. So get out there, get your buddies, get your music, get your good looking outfit, and watch them grow baggy on you as you get that walking plan into full swing.
speed walk.
You can lose weight with walking, I did. I lost sixty pounds walking for about eight months. You would walk at a brisk pace for about twenty minutes daily.
Also, during this time, I eradicated sugar from my diet and ate only wheat bread and wheat pasta.
My friend did the same thing two years before I did. I followed her example.
To some extent yes.But you cant depend entirely on it.
sure you can.. however i recommend starting out fast, maybe alternating speed every 5 mins or so, that way your improving your lungs and heart as well as burning fat. i usually try for a brisk walk for about a hr..
No, you can burn a lot of fat while walking. Walking is a good form of exercise that can do wonders for you, provided that you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle in general.
Walking at least 30 min. a day is actually better for you. A personal trainer told me that so it must be true.
you have to walk every day,(about 1hr) don't know if you'll loose weight but you'll get thinner
It is possible to lose weight, but you have to do more walking and/or do other exercise to compensate for the loss of body movement.You can go to a gym and do the stairmaster or stationary bike. If you get into a pool and run end to end and go as long or longer as you walk, you will lose weight. People need aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Use weights. Light weight/high repetition to tone or heavy weight/low repetition to gain muscle.
I walk virtually everywhere I go, and if it weren't for this, I would not maintain a slim figure. The key, I think, is to integrate it into your daily routine. Walk to go where you have to go instead of sitting in a car.I live in the city (Chicago). Maybe you should move here. I hear it's safer than Detroit. Here, all the suburbanites drive their giant SUVs instead of walking. I would not want to be like them.
I'm walking. I love me, I'm walking. The control over me. I have. Pain, People thougths, Family "not going to make it" Look at ME I'm LIVING!! How are you LIVING! Sill love you!! {HEAR ME!}
Depends on your body type. Endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph? They're just major types. There are many different body types! But these three are a good start. Me? I'm a mesomorph. No matter how much walking I do, I only tone muscle. Of course the ectomorph will shed body fat the most quickly.
The goal of exercise is to get your heart rate up (this is referred to as cardio) so you can get your metabolism going and burn fat.If you do casual exercise and never get your heart rate up you will still lose weight but at a much slower rate and then eventually not at all. After awhile without increasing your workout you will hit what is known as a plateau.Unless you intend to do some speedwalking, you may want to consider swimming which will not impact your joints and will allow you to burn just as many calories as you would by jogging. Most cities and counties have indoor pools open year round and can be found by Googling the name of your city and "parks and recreation."
I know from personal experience YES! But it depends on how active you are now. I lost my freshman 30 (yeah for me it was 30 instead of 15) by exercising w/out diet (lost 10 lbs goin to the gym) and then I started weight watchers and walked most days out of the week (lost 20 lbs). You just have to walk at a pace that raises your heart rate to your target level (when you're breathing a little hard, you can't sing, but can talk). Walking has been the most effective thing for me. Good luck!
If u want to lose weight faster.
You should learn more information.
Uncorrect method can make
you tire and waste lots of time but do not lose weight.There is a Calorie calculate programe Daily Calorie Calculate
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorIn
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorKg
%26lt;-- Calorie Calculate
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%26lt;-- want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)There are some ideas for losing weight
It lists a great many information such as1. How to Drop Pound-Packing Habits ;
2. Diet-Busting Foods That May Surprise You ;
3. How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds ;
4. Rev Up Your Metabolism ;
5. Lighten Up Your Favorite Recipes ;
6. Healthy Snacks for Your Diet ;
7. Portion Distortion ;
8. Starting a Successful Diet ;
9. Related Guide: How to Eat Out on a Diet ;
10. Watch Out for these Diet Danger Zones ;
11. The Art of Healthy Snacking ;
12. Managing Your Hunger ;
13. Test Your Portion Size IQ ;
14. Can a High-Protein Diet Help You Lose Weight? ;
15. The Skinny on Diet Scams -
16. Can Fad Diets Work? ;
17. The 3-Hour Diet 2
18. Choosing a Weight Loss Plan ;
19. 5 Weight Loss Myths ;
20. Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals ;
21. Ready to Lose Weight? ;
22. How Many Calories Should You Eat? ;
23. Do You Really Need to Lose Weight? ;
24. Calculate your daily calorie needs ;
and so on
It give you more information.
if u wana loose weight and become slim switch to detox diets.for detox diets open and there open the pink color links for detox diet recipes and tip s that will help u loose weight at home without exercising

Can you live off of power bars and still be healthy?

they have so many vitamins and so much protein I'd think you could.
No, as you really need a well balanced diet with various foods including whole grains/whole wheat, fruits, vegetables and lean protein including nuts, legumes and skinless chicken. American Dietetic Association: www.eatright.orgThe new Food Pyramid:
most power bars are full of high fructose corn syrup, which isn't good for you if you eat it all the time. Power Bars can be a good ADDITION to your diet, but you should check the ingredients. There are so many different kinds, and some of them aren't any different than a candy bar with added protein.
Youd have to drink a lot of water or you would get backed up.
no. you need real foods, foods like chicken have 10 times the amount of vitamins and minerals that a power bar has and its cheaper to! real food are better to eat period. now to eat a power bar as a snack 3-4 times of week because of lifestyle/schedule is acceptable.
Our bodies aren't designed for processed food, so when that's all you eat your body can't efficiently use them as an energy source, and it's really bad for the digestive system. Your body wants unprocessed foods...fruits, veggies, nuts, meat and whole foods.
Yeah, you could live off of them, but you wouldn't be very healthy.

Can you increase your strength by lifting a single amount of weight more times?

Let's say you're bench pressing 135 pounds. If you bench press 135 once and that's all that you can do, then 135 is your one rep max. So then you keep lifting 135 pounds over the course of weeks and months and then you gain the ability to lift 135 pounds 8 times in a row. That would mean that your one rep max is now above 135. So does this mean that the more consecutive repetitions that you can will yourself to perform, the more strength that can be derived from lifting an amount of weight? Is each marginal repetition like adding "points" to your strength level? If you are capable of lifting a weight 8 times in a row but you only perform sets of 2 reps, will strength decrease? I've noticed that it's possible to lift submaximal weight for weeks and then test your 1rep max and see an increase without ever having lifted maximal amounts during the time of the increase. Is it possible to just lift a weight more and more consecutive times and then it will correlate with a strength increase?
If you want to increase your strength, instead of staying at 135 you would add plates.Higher reps are more for toning, not building.
If you want to bulk up your muscles you need to lift heavier weight, but less repitions. If you want to tone up, Or cut up, you lift lighter weight but more repitions.
It's difficult to have a very productive set that is fewer than 5 or six reps. If you can't lift a weight at least 5 times with strictlly controled form than you are just fooling around, stroking your ego and not on a path to serious strength gains or toward making good gains in mass. Only very occasionally would sets below five reps ever be recommended and even then it would only be at the culmination of a 7-10 week powerlifting program where target reps start near 8-10 and gradually decrease as weight gradually increases and even then such a plan would not be the way you would want to lift all the time. To see a plan like the one described check out:
strength is a technique of producing tension in the body. lifting less than 80-85% doesn't produce enough tension ./the 135 for one rep max theory seems flawed because because you bench pressing muscles are under 100% load which isn't good to do especially if its one rep and its every workout. looks like an injury waiting to happen.also, unless someone is competing in lifting,one rep maxs are of what value?over 5 rep max,pushing body to the limit for what purpose/ lifting strength is built ideally with 5-6 rep sets,80%-105% cycles./ learned what i know from book Power to the People and its so easy to increase strength, its unbelievable/about 2reps of 8rep max. ,you could even do it everyday. probably wouldn't decrease strength much,i quessing

Can you help me with my stomach problem?

Ok, I have been doing ab exercises so I can have a nice toned body. I have been doing these exercises for a couple of weeks and now my abs look really nice. The problem is I'm not 100% sure if I did the exercises properly because although they do look nice, I have got two red lines across my belly where my abs are. They look like scars, so I'm a bit worried if there suppose to be my ab lines. Also when I bend over or sit down I have three belly pooch areas and maybe that's why I have these red lines. I'm not fat because I workout a lot, I just think that I have these pooches from doing ab exercises because the pooches are the only pieces of fat I have on my stomach. How did I get these red lines and how should I get rid of them? Do I need to do exercises that target the pooches? What can I do to get rid of the red lines asap? Please I need help!
Just keep exercising and stop looking so often - once a month is enough. It takes a while and may also be associated with specific items in the diet and genetics. Be happy and know that the exercise is helping make your body strong and disease resistant - that happiness will empress others and make them happy, too.
hey u can try detox diets to loose weight.detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(detoxmedifastdiets.blogspot.c... )is a great website that has many links for detox diets recipes and tips to loose weight...try the links and loose weight fast at home without exercising
they will probably pass in time
Oh oh... I'm not sure, but check if the pooches aren't due to local hernias... that could also be causing the red lines.
It could just be a result of bad posture, there are actually classes/therapy you can take to build and maintein good posture, or of course you can read up some posture tips online.Not only will it make you look more attractive and appear to weigh less, it is also healthier for your muscle and skeletal structure.
Good posture is an amazing habit to pick up hun.

Can you help me to lose weight as fast as possible?

I am 18 years old. I have 1.59 metres and 58 kg. My sizes are 89-88-91. I think I am very fat. I forgot to mention that I am a boy. I want to look fine because the summer is comming and I am very shyto go on the beach because I lok like that. I am shy even when I go outside. Please help me! Any advice is usefull. What medicines, what sport, what regime.everything you can tell me. I mention that I had a hormonal porblem.
honestly, if your data are correct you are by no means overweight. You BMI is 22~ and normal weight is defined as bmi between 19 and 24.
This said, fat weighs less than muscle so you might have friends with your weight and height that look thinner because they have more muscles.
IMO, you might better improve the way you look by practicing more sport than though diet.
A normal gym 2-3 times a week would be a way to start. Avoid eating directly after sport: it's better to eat 1-2 hours before and then 3-4 hours afterwards. After sport eat rather proteins, which your body needs to repair itself and to build muscles.
Avoid junk food and make sure your body gets all necessary vitamins and minerals. If you exercise regularly, take care that you drink enough water ( at least 2lts a day, more when you exercise).
A "diet" isn't too good an idea, but just stopping a little junk food intake will help, but sport is probably more important. Australian research shows that you should actually exercise 1.5 hours a day to be fit. (and probably not just walking). Drinking plenty of water also helps release energy. 2L a day.
Every morning exercise like jogging, play badminton, or volleyball.
Eat less more water.
Get plenty of rest and sleep.
Excersice and eat less, watch your calorie intake. Drink lots of water, avoid soda and caffeine. Rest enough but not too much. Take supplements with complete and balanced nutrition. I recommend Reliv. check the website
start with yoga as soon as possible.
Happy! Happy!
Dear friend,
i can help you to lose weight as fast as possible if you consider about your proper weight and correct diet.please visit the website
Hi, im 27 yrs old and just 3 months ago weighed 189lbs. now I'm 169lbs. I lost 20 lbs 1st because i was determined. I was determined to lose weight because i was getting married, so having a goal is number 1. Then, you have to lessen your food intake or if you wish to eat the same amount, choose your food wisely. Lastly is of course excercise. I ran 30 mins everyday, did abdominal excercises 4 times a week, did free weights at least 3 times a week, played badminton once a week for 2 hours and though at first it wouldnt be too obvious that your loosing weight, it's great when your friends start noticing. It's not easy but look at the fat guy beside you and tell yourself you dont want to be like that.
if u wana loose weight open and there open the pink color links for detox diets recipes and tips that will help u loose weight at home without exercising at home
There is a book "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle".
It is a book for trun fat to muscle.
you can get it from
http://danielli.burnthefat.hop.clickbank...or you can get the losing weight in site:
It give you more information.

Can you help me think of what to name a group?

Can you help me think of what to name a group I'm starting for supporting and encouraging each other to loose weight %26 create a healthy way of eating. Be things like support encouragement, recipe ideas, what works for one another, questions %26 answers, can even list and track where you're at.
Chunky chums?I am not meaning to be offensive, my friends and I did something similar. We were constantly coming up with new names for the revolving e-mails, "chunky chums" was one of my favorites along with "plus size pals".
Fabulous Fitness :)
earth bound fitnessthat probably doesn't help but may help you think of something better...good luck
Health Planners
I'd say Fabulous Fitness but there is that in Sault St. Marie.
New Attitude is in Winnipeg. So What about Ups And Downs the Health Way? too long long a name?
The Health Way Or Ups %26 Downs in Health! Health Secrets. Health Forum, Healthy Losers! New Way Directions ( there's already a New Directions in Thunder Bay!) Wise Losers.. I think I gave you sufficient names!

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