Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you eat a snack right after you exercise?

Sure. You could even eat or drink something as you are exercising.
yes. It should be a healthy snack though
Sure, if you want to negate the exercise.
yes. It's good to exercise then feed your body to restore your energy.
yeah, but i think grabbing a water bottle would be more wise.
Well normally its better to eat, then exersize, to make sure you burn all the cals off, But as long as its small snack, such as fruits, or veggies. There shouldnt be a problem:)
No, the 45 minutes after excercising is when your body is most likely to keep the food in you. Wait an hour, then eat a light, healthy snack.
yes. try some fruit or a smoothie.
stay away from snack after you exercise, who knows you might end up losing more weight just by doing that!
yes. my aerobics teacher says as long as its not too heavy then it should be good. Youre not gonna get sick if you eat like a burger, but its kind of a waste of your time if you do b/c you just gained all those calories back. But yeah you could definitely eat after. its better than trying to starve yourself cuz then you'll slow down ur metabollism and you might get fat. :)
yea long as its healthy, i try to excersize later in the day, because i have a dont eat after 9 rule
You are supposed to. Protein is best.
If the exercise was strenuous and lasted a long time, you may need more sugar. Consuming foods and beverages high in carbohydrates right after exercise will replenish the lost sugar if they are low after exercising.It is always important to drink plenty of water and eat a nutritious, balanced meal that has lots of carbohydrate rich foods such as grains, pastas, potatoes, vegetables and fruits.
Well since u said it was a snack I'm considering that it must be sum thing light. So...yes u can eat a snack after u exercise.
However, if u eat more than what considered a "Snack" like many apples, choc bars etc u might throw up. Since if the stomach, as well as the duodenum (the start of the small intestine), does not enough blood going thought it ( to metabolize the food) then it will get rid of it and u will throw up.
It's benificial and recommended to eat something after your workout. People are under the misconception that exercise is only good for burning calories during the exercise. This is only part of the equation. Exercise should be done to raise the resting metabolic rate (RMR) so you burn more calories throughout the day.So, with this in mind, it's good to take in good nutrients, protein and carbs, after your workout in order to restore blood glycogen and supply your body with protein so that it can build and repair muscle that was broken down during exercise. If you do not, your body remains in a catabolic state and may even begin catabolizing muscle and retaining bodyfat. Don't worry too much about "negating" calories burned from the workout. If your workout was sufficiently intense, you'll continue to burn calories for several hours after your workout.
Yeah, it is actualy good to eat after you excercise somthing about needing fuel to boost your metabolism to help with the fat burning process. also if your trying to build muscle eat foods that are high in protien after you work out.

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