Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you live off of power bars and still be healthy?

they have so many vitamins and so much protein I'd think you could.
No, as you really need a well balanced diet with various foods including whole grains/whole wheat, fruits, vegetables and lean protein including nuts, legumes and skinless chicken. American Dietetic Association: www.eatright.orgThe new Food Pyramid:
most power bars are full of high fructose corn syrup, which isn't good for you if you eat it all the time. Power Bars can be a good ADDITION to your diet, but you should check the ingredients. There are so many different kinds, and some of them aren't any different than a candy bar with added protein.
Youd have to drink a lot of water or you would get backed up.
no. you need real foods, foods like chicken have 10 times the amount of vitamins and minerals that a power bar has and its cheaper to! real food are better to eat period. now to eat a power bar as a snack 3-4 times of week because of lifestyle/schedule is acceptable.
Our bodies aren't designed for processed food, so when that's all you eat your body can't efficiently use them as an energy source, and it's really bad for the digestive system. Your body wants unprocessed foods...fruits, veggies, nuts, meat and whole foods.
Yeah, you could live off of them, but you wouldn't be very healthy.

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