Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can't stop eatin...?

someone please help me, i have major depressive disorder badly, and I think it's coz i'm bored and my father jus died so it's the way i cope.. I'm a slim girl, and i'm jus worried that i'm gonna get fat.. i have been doin nothin but eatin and i'm not even hungry!! any suggestions on something else i could do, or a diet food that is good and won't fatten me up
Ya know when your eating, it feels bomb and tastes bomb, but then after your like "WHy did i eat all that, i feel sick now... and i know im gonna start gaining weight and feel even more horrible" ? Well imagine if you could be addicted to something that made you feel like you were on the top of the world and also got your sadness and anger out... Well there is something called running, or walking around the block outside, even some simple exercises make you feel like your doing something good for youself. Its a natural high... just try it, get off the comp and take a fast walk around the block, it feels kinda good. trust me.. Try even boxing or something just to get your feelings out it feels so good.. Eating, thinking about the past, crying, etc only makes you feel worse, ya know?
Instead of eating, focus your energy and time on something else. Join a gym, or pick up a new hobby, or get some books and read them!
This isn't really the best answer but Cigarettes may help, and Green Tea is good and it makes you relax as well. Try listening to some music besides eating or running, while you are in those rough times running and listening to music at the same time is a GREAT stress reliever plus it is healthy for you.Sorry about your father btw
Carrot stubs.
There are so many different ways to deal with depression. Some of the other options are playing a musical instrument, running or working out, hanging out with friends or significant other. If you eat a lot for a couple of days you should do just fine. Just try some of these other options if you are scared of gaining weight. Don't worry too much, cuz if you are skinny you won't gain weight over night.
Sorry about your loss.
God Bless

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