Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cant drop anymore weight?

ok so i started eating eating way different i droped 15lbs i am taking in 1900-2000 calories a day work out about 5 days a week cardio 45 mins ive been on the diet for about 2 months and cant seem to drop anymore whieght whats wrong can my metabolisim be so slow that im only needing something like 1600 a day? im 5.9 and 195lbs large bdy frame
Don't be concerned about not losing the weight. You are building muscle and that is why you do not see the pounds
dropping off, they will. Never mind weighing yourself every day, as a matter of fact once a week is good enough and always weigh the same time of day. You have a terrific work out and you will get results. If you care to contact me we can see what your diet is and go from there.
Be encouraged, I know that scale just seems to draw you to it, but just ignore it for a time. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water a day. About 12 glasses as it flushes out the waste and some fat.
Sounds crazy but INCREASE your calories
you on a platow dont give up .A week or two you will drop more and fast
You say you do cardio but you don't mention any resistence or weights training. Cardio will burn a certain amount of calories but it will not develop much lean muscle. Its the lean muscle that will get you started again. Assuming that there is body fat that you want to lose in amongst that 195lbs.
The best weights and aerobic fitness regime I have seen can be found in the book "Body for Life". You can if you want tinker around with it, by say doing a little more aerobic work than the author suggests, but I really think it will help you.

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