Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can't lose wieght...any ideas?

I have been working out for several months now after having my second baby...i need to get back in shape so I have been doing both wieght training (I guess really curcuit training) and cardio...I work out about 5 days a week and I have gotten my eating heathier than ever
So here is the problem...i have lost 3+ inches from my waist and not a single pound...while I know that muscle wieghs more than fat, i am still needing to lose wieght as well...using an electronic handheld i am still considered the same BMI that I was before
I need to come up with more ideas because it is very important to me to get in shape as the mother of two little girls I really want them to be active and have heathy body images...
First and foremost, you should be excited that you have lost inches! That's the most important because you have clearly lost fat and are most likely gaining muscle. Don't discourage yourself with the scale or the BMI device. I honestly don't trust any of those devices unless it's a hydrostatic test (underwater). You could have lost 5 lbs of fat and gained 5 lbs of muscle and on the scale it looks no different.How do your clothes fit? Do a mirror check. Track your measurements, not your scale.One of the sites I recommend my students and class members to (I'm a yoga/aerobics instructor) is You can track your eating habits, log your exercise and your weight %26 measurements. It is a wonderful way to lose weight in a healthy manner and to really get an honest picture of what you're actually eating. Most people underestimate how much they are really eating.Also, what do you consider 'healthy eating?' I have friends who believe if the package says "fat free" or "low fat" then it's a good food. Most things that come in packages (i.e. processed) aren't that great for you, no matter what marketing spin is put on it. All the best food for you will be on the outer edge of the grocery store. The worst foods for you are in the middle isles. So my advice to you is:
1. Check your measurements, not your scale
2. Track your food/exercise/measurements on and give yourself a good target goal
3. Try and eat foods that are still in the shape that they were grown in (fresh or frozen fruit/vegetables, lean meats, cheeses, yogurts, etc.)
4. WATER. I can't stress this enough. You gotta flush everything out
5. Sleep. Your muscles need adequate rest to repair themselves and getting enough sleep helps keep your body from over-producing cortisol (the stress hormone that can increase weight-gain). I know you just had a baby so that's probably difficult right now but take naps when you can. Good luck.*Edited to add you can NOT turn fat into muscle or muscle into fat. They are two separate substances entirely. You can only gain or lose them. That's like saying you can turn a chicken into a dog.
I think more details would be helpful...What do you eat? How much? When do you eat it? What do you drink? What kind of weight training do you do? What kind of cardio? For how long?
it's much easier to lose inches than pounds. All this working out could have possibly turned fat into muscle, a lot of fat into muscle, and that is why it's not registering a difference in weight. What is your body mass like? Do you have lots of 'flab' or do you just want to weigh less? It's easier to lose weight the heavier you are...the last 10 pounds could take you months to get off.I suggest going and talking to a dietitian or a fitness instructor.
you have not told us what you have been eating and your idea of eating healthy may not be right .
For a start , cut down on carbs , I find that 2 whites of eggs (without the yolks ) with my morning coffee works well as a breakfast meal hence cutting out "volume " then a good lunch and perhaps a ham sandwich at dinner (or vice versa ),
ie 1 "good/substancial " meal a day .
maybe the intensity isn't there..
you have to mix up your workouts or your body will adapt to your regimin..
do doubles for cardio: 10 miles in 1 hour on the bike in the morning, 10 miles on the bike in the evening. work out in the morning on an empty stomach. Dont go too hard or you'll bypass the fat burn zone and jump into the cardio zone!
congrats on having solid goals.
also my bmi goes from 10.8 to 19.5 in a matter of 24 hours...those things suck! you may have a lower % fat than you think is what I'm getting at.
I think you should invest in a scale that actually measures your body fat. If you've been eating well and exercising like you say, something's gotta be changing inside of you. Even if a weight change isn't registering, your fat ratio most likely is decreasing. Maybe this scale will help to encourage you and prove that you are, in fact, losing fat!
dont look at the BMI - i dont think its important.
look at body fat percentage - thats what really counts.
its better to lose inches than pounds - which means you have gained muscle and your body is burning more calories than before. find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Man, isn't it frustrating kicking your butt..with no results!? I was the same way after I had my twins. I finally found a dvd series that WORKED. It claimed you'd get fit and a 6 pack in 6 weeks. So when my twins were 3 mo I gave it a try...sure enough it worked! I swear by this workout...I have done tons of stuff before, but this was just incredible. I mean a 6 pack after having twins!?!??! Anyway, I was going to paste the link on here, but it's too me for it..good luck!

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