Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you fill this survey out for me please? It has to do with caffeine and sleeping habits.?

1) male or female? a) Female
b) Male 2) How old are you?a)under 18
b)18 to 20
c)21 to 23
d)24 to 26
e)Over 263) the amount of coffee you consume per week?a)None
b)1 to 3 cups
c)4 to 6 cups
d)7 to 9 cups
e)Over 9 cups4) How much do you spend per week on coffee?a)0 $
b)1 to 5$
c)6 to 10$
d)11 to 15$
e)16 to 20$
f)Over 21 $5) How many hours do you sleep on a weeknight?a)under 5
b)5 to 6
c)6 to 7
d)7 to 8
e)8 to 9
f)Over 9
6) How much time does it usually take you to fall asleep on a day u have consumed caffeine? a)Less than 15 minutes
b)15 to 30 minutes
c)31 minutes to an hour
d) Over an hour7) After consuming a cup of coffee or any caffeinated drink, do u feela) Sick
b) Dizzy
c) Anxious
d) Hyperactive
e) Other (specify) Yes/No
8) Do ur parents consume coffee daily?
9) After drinking coffee do u have trouble sleepin?
10) Do u drink coffee daily?
Over 26
Over 9 cups
$1-$5 (I make a pot (or 1/2 a pot) each day at work--it's less than $20 a month easy)
31 minutes to and hour
7-8 hours
31 minutes to an hour if I've had caffeine after 5pm
I don't think I really 'feel' anything
no b/c I only drink it in the morning
1) a) Female
2) e)Over 26
3) e)Over 9 cups
4) e)16 to 20$
5) f)Over 9
6) b)15 to 30 minutes
7) e) feel no effects from caffeine
8) No
9) No
10) Yes
1. a) Female2. c) 21 to 233. b) 1 to 3 cups4. c) 6 to 10$5. c) 6 to 76. c)31 minutes to an hour7. c) Anxious8) No9) Yes10) No

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