Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you lose 20lbs in 30 days with exercise and strict diet?

i need to losee 20 ilbs. im watching what i eat and im drinking water. i am also working out every day for an hour cansomeone give me any tips that wiwll help me with my workout.
Yes I lost 15lbs in a little over 2 weeks. 5lbs a week is more than safe and it will take a while for you to gain it back. Drink only water kick soda tea any drink with sugar, even milk if you can. I ate atleast 2 meals a day but healthy meals, no junk food of course, nothing overly greasy, fish is probably the best meat on earth for losing weight.For your workout do cardio nothing but cardio, swimming is great but I found better results playing tennis. Just exercise HARD if you ride a bike ride it HARD for an hour.A low carb diet is a great diet in general and for body building but not that effective for cardio based exercising.
You can't lose 20 lbs in 30 days. At least not in a healthy way. 2 pounds per week is the ideal. Quick weight loss = VERY easy to gain back.
i wouldn't recommend trying to lose weight that fast. I don't think anyone else would either.
Most of it will be water weight which u will gain back when u drink water,
nd if u wanna lose weight u hav to switch up ur calorie intake so ur metalbolism can change nd strt eatin up body fat after it burns up ur calories
cut down on grains and cereals (rice, bread etc,) potatoes
you can lose 20lb in 30 days. I did, I went low-carb, I made it personalized for me, And went for walks every day for about 40minutes. I drank water, and maybe a diet soda once in a while. The first week was hard, but after i realized I lost weight it gave me motivation. Good Luck.
i did it before, i actually did it in 3 weeks (but i pretty much stared) just make sure you still eat healthy and exercise when you hit your goal weight. i stayed the same. good luck
if there is a swimming pool near your house, swim for like 30 mins. because when you swim you use almost every part of your muscle. also running uphill works out a lot of ur leg muscle and makes you run faster.
Yes. Avoid ALL snacks, juices, and soft drinks. I lost 20 pounds in about a month just by switching to green tea (without the sugar, and creamer that I put in coffee) and eating only once a day. Most diets DONT recommend this, but it worked for me.

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