Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you digest popcorn?

Ive been told that corn cannot be digested by the body and therefore is just pooped out.Does that also go for when it is turned into popcorn? Are there any nutrients at all to be drawn from popcorn or are you just filling your stomach with ruffage?
Poppycock! The only part of corn that is not digestable is the seed covering, which is only a problem if you swallow the cooked kernels without chewing them thoroughly. When popcorn is popped, the seed covering is burst and the starchy inner layers are puffed, which increases the surface area available to somach enzymes, making it quite digestable. The reason that popcorn is considered a low calorie food is that puffing also decreases its density so that you can eat a greater volume of it withoput packing in those calories as long as you watch the butter.
yes you digest popcorn.
yes u can digest popcorn
There is some fibre in Popcorn but not that much, it really is an empty calorie. However considering the alternatives like potato chips. Popcorn is a much better choice if it is air popped. I use popcorn as a regular snack as I am diabetic and can't handle the fats and carbs in potato chips. With Popcorn I can have 3 - 6 cups and not feel guilty.harry

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