Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you help me to lose weight as fast as possible?

I am 18 years old. I have 1.59 metres and 58 kg. My sizes are 89-88-91. I think I am very fat. I forgot to mention that I am a boy. I want to look fine because the summer is comming and I am very shyto go on the beach because I lok like that. I am shy even when I go outside. Please help me! Any advice is usefull. What medicines, what sport, what regime.everything you can tell me. I mention that I had a hormonal porblem.
honestly, if your data are correct you are by no means overweight. You BMI is 22~ and normal weight is defined as bmi between 19 and 24.
This said, fat weighs less than muscle so you might have friends with your weight and height that look thinner because they have more muscles.
IMO, you might better improve the way you look by practicing more sport than though diet.
A normal gym 2-3 times a week would be a way to start. Avoid eating directly after sport: it's better to eat 1-2 hours before and then 3-4 hours afterwards. After sport eat rather proteins, which your body needs to repair itself and to build muscles.
Avoid junk food and make sure your body gets all necessary vitamins and minerals. If you exercise regularly, take care that you drink enough water ( at least 2lts a day, more when you exercise).
A "diet" isn't too good an idea, but just stopping a little junk food intake will help, but sport is probably more important. Australian research shows that you should actually exercise 1.5 hours a day to be fit. (and probably not just walking). Drinking plenty of water also helps release energy. 2L a day.
Every morning exercise like jogging, play badminton, or volleyball.
Eat less more water.
Get plenty of rest and sleep.
Excersice and eat less, watch your calorie intake. Drink lots of water, avoid soda and caffeine. Rest enough but not too much. Take supplements with complete and balanced nutrition. I recommend Reliv. check the website
start with yoga as soon as possible.
Happy! Happy!
Dear friend,
i can help you to lose weight as fast as possible if you consider about your proper weight and correct diet.please visit the website
Hi, im 27 yrs old and just 3 months ago weighed 189lbs. now I'm 169lbs. I lost 20 lbs 1st because i was determined. I was determined to lose weight because i was getting married, so having a goal is number 1. Then, you have to lessen your food intake or if you wish to eat the same amount, choose your food wisely. Lastly is of course excercise. I ran 30 mins everyday, did abdominal excercises 4 times a week, did free weights at least 3 times a week, played badminton once a week for 2 hours and though at first it wouldnt be too obvious that your loosing weight, it's great when your friends start noticing. It's not easy but look at the fat guy beside you and tell yourself you dont want to be like that.
if u wana loose weight open and there open the pink color links for detox diets recipes and tips that will help u loose weight at home without exercising at home
There is a book "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle".
It is a book for trun fat to muscle.
you can get it from
http://danielli.burnthefat.hop.clickbank...or you can get the losing weight in site:
It give you more information.

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