Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can You Become Thin In 2 Weeks??

I'm a size 12, I want to be slim. Can I become slim in 2 weeks? What exercises should I do and can you give me tips?
depends what you class as 'thin'. you can definetly make a difference in this time, but its not a good idea to suddenly strict diet.
exercises such as sit ups and lunges do not help you lose weight, but they tone the body. if you want a firmer stomach/les cellulite, then this is good!
reduce the aslt and saturated fat you eat, and eta little and often, so that your blood sugar levels saty up.
dont go crazy, just try your best. set a simple target, so you can feel please with yourself. this will stimulate you to coninue dieting.
a few punds (about 6 max) is what you cna expect...but dont be too hopeful, its hard卢
no. i'm sorry.
no, not in two weeks. sorry
dam u big as hell if u blak u look like respusha n if u white u look like rosie o donnell u need 20 years fuk 2 weeks
Sure, if you want to become sick and end up in the hospital. Just don't eat for two weeks. Just drink water.
My dad lost 70 pounds in his last two weeks of life battling liver cancer, so it can be done.
I'm not so sure if 2 weeks can do it. I lost 2 dress sizes in a month..but that was because I went to the gym everyday %26 rested on the weekends plus it was really hot outside. But you could try at the gym, doing a lot of cardio *making sure you sweat* then some weight lifting %26 when sweat is somemore cardio. Make sure to drink a lot of water. I also went on a tuna %26 fruit/smoothie diet and not much carbs. If i did eat carbs, only once everyother day.
Anyways, I hope this helps. %26 another thing...try to go gradually...because they takes the same amount of time that you lost weight, to gain it all back %26 maybe more.
In two weeks you are not going to see dramatic results. It takes time to lose a substantial amount of weight and it takes dedication. . .it is about a lifestyle change. Changing what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat and being active.Don't be so hard on yourself either. A size 12 is not bad. . .and if you want to lose weight you can. Just set your goal and stick to it. But, love yourself and who you are no matter what.
Do the "lemonade diet" - Beyonce did it and lost like 20 lbs in 2 weeks. Its something like water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syurp (do a search, you should find it no problem). Its not healthly and its really hard, but it'll work.

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