Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can you lose weight by drinking alot of water?

Can you loose weight by drinking alot of water? What are some kind of cheap ways of losing weight without all this working out and diet junk... Maybe a walk around the block twice a day?
Plenty of water is an excellent start.Walking a few miles a day is another great idea.Best of luck to you,
drinking water assists your body in flushing toxins, and maintaining hydration for efficient metabolism. It also gives a feeling of fullness so you tend not to feel as hungry all the time. In this manner it assists in weight loss. But controlling your diet and regular daily exercise (walking is excellent) are truly the only ways to lose weight effectively and keep it off. So the diet and exercise thing isn't JUNK, it's the truth.
Water will certainly help, especially if you currently drink a lot of soda and sugary latt茅s. Nix soda and drink only water. Add lemon if you get bored. As much as you don't want to hear it, eating the right foods and exercise are the only way to have a healthy life. Walking the block is a great start.
No, there used to be a "water diet"... everyone went around drinking tons of water all day and evenings... no one lost weight. The only way to loose weight is through diet and exercise.. a couple of walks around the block will not produce results.
No - but drinking a large glass of water before each mean will help you feel fuller more quickly! Cheap ways of dieting are simply eating less processed food, loads of fresh ( and cheap) fruit and veg, balancing your diet properly and avoiding fatty ( and expensive) cakes, sweets, biscuits etc! Walking is a good start, but try to build up gradually to a jog around the block a couple of times a day, drive less, walk more, take the stairs, not the lift, etc! Its actually fun to do this, leaves less of a carbon footprint, and is good for you!!
Good luck!
yes i think its called the detox diet. go here for more info,
You should drink no more than a 2 liter bottle of water per day. Portion control (like a 1/2 cup of veggies) a piece of meat the size of your hand, limit eating out but if you do eat at Wendy's, less fat. Walking is excellent but around the block doesn't get your heart pumping. Also get a pilates DVD and do it. It will tighten up all your muscles. Pilates is just a little bit more active than yoga.
Here is a simple way to lose weight - the only way to lose weight, in fact. Burn more calories than you eat, or to put it another way, eat fewer calories than you burn.It is that simple. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will get fat. Plain and simple. So, eat less or work harder. There is no way around it.I drink 48 to 64 ounces of pure water everyday. It flushes out fat and toxins. Muscles need water. It can make you feel less hungry. If you are usually dehydrated, you body may try to retain water, so staying hydrated will help you lose water weight.
Only one way to lose weight: spend more calories than you take in. It's mathematical.Drinking water may assist you if, for example, you take a resolution to drink a glass of water each time you are hungry outside of meals. Water = 0 calorie, so you're not doing any harm there.You may diet without the work-out, but that may lead to loss of muscle mass and lower metabolism, which will lead to fast weight gain once you quit the diet, and that weight gain may be superior to what you lost.95% of diets uterly fail, with weight regain within one year. The only way to success is a total change of life habits. Its even better to lose the weight that way, as it is easier on your body (skin... ect), on your mood (and on your friends ;-).There are medication to cut off hunger, but all of them have horrific side-effects, and may be life-endangering. I'm afraid hard work, and your will, are the main tools here. The most difficult time is at the first month or so. After that, it gets easy and natural. And the walk is a nice way to exercise too. Nothing more complicated than that is necessary. So if you dont like the gym, just dont go. I dont like it either, and I go running outside instead.
I think drinking water is good for you as it is good for your skin and your digestive system. It helps clean everything out.
Some people drink water before they eat because that way you feel full and are not tempted to eat as much.
You have to be careful to watch your salt intake as well as drinking water as salt retains water in your body.
There are a lot of very faddy diets about which promote fast weight loss but the weight piles back on again straight afterwards and your body can go into starvation mode and actually hang on to fat instead of burning it. I think a healthy balanced diet and exercise are better. Walking is one of the best things you can do. It helps you to feel happy, keeps your heart healthy, it costs nothing and you can fit it in when you want.About your question concerning exercise. I bought i pedometer and do 10,000 steps a day this is supposed to be enough to keep you healthy. I increased my general activity by walking instead of going on the bus and carrying my shopping back on foot and using stairs instead of lifts and it is surprising how it all mounts up.I also recently got a get active guide from the checkout at tesco. It is full of diet and health tips. I am playing frisbee and going swimming at the moment as it is important to do something you enjoy so you keep the activity up.
There is also a chart in it on which you can watch your progress.

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