Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you grow taller at age 19?

in my family my dad is height of 5'3 and my mom 5'2 height is at 5'5 and i want to grow even more, also my brother is 5'9...but hes 30 when i was at 16 years...i was working out a lot more than usual ...normally benching... at age 18 i did alot of drugs ...and sorts but then i stop...just wanted to know if i have any more potential to grow?... what can i do? my leg bones looks curved maybe because at night i sleep with the pillow between my legs... just finding out what i can do to get taller
Question - how do i grow tall? please tell me some advice or exercise.
I'm sorry but there is no exercise for making you taller. You are
genetically programmed to be a certain height. That was determined before
you were born. There are a few factors that make you NOT reach your
genetically programmed height, such as diet and the way your mother took care
of herself when she was pregnant. For instance, if you were supposed to be
5'6" and you didn't get the right diet when you were growing ( which you
probably still are!) or your mother drank, smoked and had a bad diet while
she was pregnant with you, you may not reach 5'6". You might be shorter.
But there isn't anything you can do to make yourself TALLER than you were
supposed to be. Take heart-you are only 14 and you will probably still grow
a little bit. Have you started you period yet? I ask this because girls
usually stop growing about a year after their period begins.Van Hoeck
My son is 16 and about 5 feet, 7 inches tall. He keeps asking if there's anything he can do to become taller.
– Chris
Taking care of himself — eating well, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest — is the best way to help his body reach its natural potential. But assuming his diet is normal and he has no medical problems, there's no magic pill or formula or nutritional supplement for increasing height. In fact, his genes are the major determinant of how tall he'll be.Most teens can expect to grow a total of about 7 to 10 inches during puberty before they reach full adult height. Each person is a little different, so everyone starts and goes through puberty on his or her body's own schedule. Those who start a little later than their friends will usually continue to grow a little later, too.If you're concerned about your son's growth, talk with his doctor Tall Girl - Doctor's ResponseHeight is one of the many characteristics that is largely inherited from your parents. Therefore, if you are tall, perhaps it is because you have tall parents. There is no way for you to stunt your growth. However, maybe you will not always be the tallest in your class. Girls tend to grow before boys and therefore are sometimes taller than boys at this age. But the boys will hit their growth spurt soon and when they do, many of them grow taller than the girls. Even some of the girls you are taller than right now will grow more than you and become taller than you at a later age. Everyone grows at different times and different rates. Variations in height are absolutely normal amongst humans.The Short Boy - Doctor's ResponseHeight is one of the many characteristics that is largely inherited from your parents. Therefore, if you are short, perhaps it is because you have short parents. There is no way for you to increase your height. However, maybe you will not always be the shortest fellow in your class. Girls tend to grow before boys and therefore are sometimes taller than boys at this age. As for boys, they hit their growth spurt between the ages of 12 and 17 and many of them grow taller than the girls. Some of the boys who are taller than you now may actually be shorter than you at a later age. Everyone grows at different times and different rates. Variations in height are absolutely normal amongst humans. advice:
Love yourself for who you are:
Look at this list of famous short people” on your inner beauty, and strengths. Work on your self-esteem. you believe in yourself? Do you give yourself the credit you deserve? Self-esteem is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achievement. This test is designed to evaluate your general level of self-esteem and determine whether you need to work on your self-image. Take the Self-esteem Test to find out your true sense of self.
Genetics and Height
Read this:
Avoid scams that say if you buy their product, you will be taller, it’s so not true!NO WAY TO GROW TALLER AFTER PUBERTY
Gabe Mirkin, M.D.
Web sites for products such as "HeightGrowth" are so unbelievable that the people who wrote them must be laughing as they steal people's money for totally worthless products.
They tell you that if you take HeightGrowth, you will continue to grow until you are as tall as you like, at any age. If that were true, we would see people who are 15 feet tall and basketball would be an entirely different sport.
Bones do not grow throughout their length. They grow from growth centers, called the epiphysis, near their ends. When a person reaches puberty, growth centers close one after the other until all the growth centers are closed forever and a person's bones can never grow again. After that, a person can grow wider, but not taller.
Even before a person reaches puberty, the product will have absolutely no effect on growth. The ad claims that HeightGrowth is made of a special mixture of herbs and minerals, and lists 23 plants, many of them vigorous vines such as kudzu, which grows so rapidly that it covers trees and buildings all over the South, and can cross a road overnight. So when you eat kudzu vine and other rampant-growing plants, they want you to believe that you will grow like the vines. Of course this is ridiculous. Kudzu vine grows rapidly because of its genetic structure called DNA. But you cannot absorb DNA from plants or animals that you eat; it is broken down in your stomach and intestines into its nucleic acid building blocks, which have no effect on your own DNA.
The tragedy is that some people will shell out their hard earned money to someone who is making fun of them. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee, even though they recommend that you take their product for six months or more to see results. They know you will probably be too embarrassed to ask for your money back, and people who have tried to get action on similar guarantees report that their money is never returned from these scams. more about scams aimed at shorter people: helpful links for people who want to grow taller: to take care of yourself
As you get older, there will be many decisions that you will need to make to ensure that you stay healthy. Eating right, exercising, and getting enough rest are important during puberty because of all the changes your body is going through. It is also important to feel good about yourself and the decisions you make. You have to learn to care for your own body, work hard and maintain good health, and to like yourself as you are.

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