Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you help me on weith lost but with good prescriptin pills?

No. Pills do not help you lose weight. They help your wallet lose weight. Only diet and exercise do that. you didn't put on the weight taking perscription pills nor does anyone realy gain weight quickly as these pills would have you believe you can drop pounds. Slowly losing weight is the key to permanet weight loss. Also weight loss not a temporary thing, it requires a lifestyle change. I lost 30#'s by diet and exercise and it took several months, almost a year. That motivated me in helping others seek to gain a healthy lifestyle. I kept it off over 5 years until I got pregnant now I get to look forward doing it all over again, that is the challenge. Persciption medication is never really safe look at how many lawsuits are popping up regarding perscription medications, Phen Phen is a great example.
Do yourself, your wallet, your body (you know like heart, liver and kidneys) a favor and adopt a new lifestyle and not what drug companies want you to do, believe in their hype and believe that becoming slender can be achieved by sitting on your couch and popping a few pills.
You don't really need pills to lose weight. Just eat healthier foods and exercise more.If you're looking for prescription pills, you'd need to discuss it with your doctor.
if u wana loose weight and become slim switch to detox diets.for detox diets open and there open the pink color links for detox diet recipes and tip s that will help u loose weight at home without exercising

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