Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you gain weight eating ham?is it healthy?

Lean ham can be healthy for you. You just have to learn portion control. No more than a two ounce serving. It contains protein, which you need. Look for smoked ham or turkey ham that's 98-99% fat free. Avoid canned hams.P.S.- You can gain weight from just about anything you eat if you don't burn off the calories.
yes, you can gain lots of weight eating ham.
yes. but probably not healthy since eating too much meat is not good for your heart.
The salt will make you retain water, and that is temporary gain.
it's not healthy at all. look at how much fat is on it. it comes from a pig what do you expect? i'm shocked you would even think it would be healthy in the slightest. lol
Eating a lot of ham will make you geta heart attack early, and you will have clogged arteries and loads of cholesterol.
It's really not healthy at all.
Eat breads, and calorie filled foods to quickly gain weight!
Mac and cheese, spagghetti, cake, etc will help!
if you want to gain weight by eating protein, you should do exercise so you would build up muscles (but in combination with carbs)
if you simply eat meat and just meat you will loose weight but your cholesterol will jump up into the sky.ham has a lot of fat
try milk, cheese, eggs, chicken, fish, mushrooms ..
Ham, which is pork, is considered to be a good source of meat, but a lot of anything is bad. There's a high fat content and of course you can gain weight on it. It needs to be cooked properly and stored in the right conditions to be healthy. So if you think you're dieting by eating ham, you better think again.
I'm sure it is healthy. Because it's protein and if you dont like fry it or eat the fat on it then i'm sure it'll be fine.
I would go for a lean piece without any evidence of white fat on it. You need to be careful of cheap ham because of the salt content check the packaging.
I believe in everything in moderation you dont need to cut it out completely but be aware of how much you are eating.
It is a source of protein.
I eat a palm sized portion of protein. The size of the flat of your hand at each meal.

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